Chapter 29 - An Improba's debt

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Agoraki mou : Greek, Term of endearment. Means "My sweet boy, my little boy"

A sigh escaped Xavier as he observed the approaching car, eyes flitting worriedly towards the edge of the forest. The Leshen was a fickle creature and Xavier didn't know how it would react to the two approaching Improba.

Even though they were invited here, Xavier had warned them clearly exactly what was lurking on the recovery center. To see both the Improba arriving only showed how much they cared for Jesse.

The slam of a door snapped him out of his thoughts, along with the groaning of wood. Both Improba, a male and female, were waiting anxiously for the Leshen to make its move.

The monstrosity calmly approached the pair and snorted, inhaling their scents. Xavier had to give his respect for the pair, as they didn't even flinch when the Leshen dipped down so it's malformed face was eye to eye with theirs.

The female, Serena, only shivered when the Leshen laid a thin hand against her jaw, turning her face from one side to the other. It turned its attention to the man beside her before snorting dismissively, leaving the two Improba to their devices.

The pair staggered to Xavier on shaking legs before Serena let out a shivering chuckle. "Phew, talk about tight security." She spoke before holding out a hand to Xavier. "I'm Serena Mikos and this is Elijah Abadi." She smiled warmly as Elijah waved.

Xavier chuckled, shaking both their hands before inviting them in. "But I assume you knew as much." Serena said confidently, heels clacking on the floor whilst Elijah looked around.

Serena was... unlike what Xavier had anticipated. While he knew she was a psychiatrist, he had anticipated her to be strict and stern. Dressed in perhaps a pencil skirt and a dress shirt.

Instead the black-haired women wore soft white linen that contrasted beautifully with her olive skin. Her dark brown eyes were compassionate as they flitted over the distant Deprived before she sighed.

"Joseph had a last minute surgery to perform, so he'll arrive later than expected." Elijah spoke gently, brushing the curls out of his face before he shook his head. "How is he?"

Xavier sighed, knowing that no matter how many times he had to break the news to relatives, it would always stay equally as painful and difficult.

"He's... as well one could expect him to be." He amended, scratching the back of his neck before sighing, "I appreciate your willingness to help our cause."

"Of course." Serena spoke, tilting an immaculate eyebrow as they followed Xavier to the woods. "If we had known earlier about the Deprived, we would have offered our aid sooner."

The three Improba stilled and Xavier motioned the hesitant pair forwards, where Jesse was sitting.

The poor pixie was absentmindedly ruffling the fur of the wolf beside him. The animal's throat rumbled in content, shoving it's head further underneath Jesse's hands until the wolf was nearly belly up in Jesse's lap.

The boy didn't react when both Serena and Elijah approached calmly, taking their time to allow Jesse to adapt. Jesse's eyes only moved up from the wolf when both Improba sat down beside him.

"Agoraki mou, what have they done?!" Serena whispered with agony, gently brushing a knuckle against Jesse's protruding cheekbones. A tear rolled down her own cheek as she stared into Jesse's blank eyes whilst Elijah's eyes flitted from injury to injury, assessing each scar and growing greener by the second.

The wolf in Jesse's lap growled lowly before removing itself from Jesse's grasp and shook out it's fur. Xavier smiled gratefully at Tristan, who had kept the boy company whilst Xavier waited for the arrival of Jesse's friends.

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