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~: I edited the cover for this book, original art goes to an artist on Tiktok and the video they made. I just used the screenshot from the video cause it was funny as hell and looked like a good cover for a book lol. Enjoy and I will put the artist tiktok name at the bottom! :~


"He is terrified of you." The wall spoke

"Terrified!" The objects around repeated in a whisper

"He is a coward, hiding behind an army and money." The wall said

"Is that so?" I hummed," untie me then and lets see his true colors, hm?"

The ropes loosened from my wrists and the guards looked scared. I got up from the chair an gave them a smirk of a psycho.

The ropes on my legs untied and the guards put their guns up. I walked toward them and they pulled the trigger but the bullets stopped.

"The exit is three hallways down to the right, the boss is four hallways to the left on the last door." The bullets spoke

"Thank you." I said," now return to your sender."

I spun my arm around for them to turn and they fired back at the guard, killing them. I went to the door and it opened for me.

"Your weapons and things are in the room left to this one." The door informed

"Thank you~!" I sang

The door he said opened and I went in and grabbed my weapons and objects I came in with.

"I'm so sorry my beautiful babies!" I apologized," I will kill them for taking you away and if they harmed you then I will let you torture them~!"

They cheered and told me all about how they were taken away. I headed out and went looking for the boss.

I passed back hallways of doors locking on the guards and keeping them from getting me. I got to the last door of the fourth hallway and the door opened for me as the man screamed.

His chair had binded him to it and kept him from leaving. His own guns were pointing at him and pencils were stabbed into his shoulders.

One pencil was at his neck ready to stab through.

"The moneys in the safe-"

"He's a traitor-"

"He's a liar-"

"Don't believe his deals-"



"He planned to killed you-"

"He is greedy-"

"He abuses us-"

"Help us-"

I smiled widely at the information flooding in. Everything spoke to me, revealing his secrets and his true self. Revealed all that he hides.

I raised my arms up an my weapons raised. They aimed at him and I chuckled with satisfaction.

"Do as you please my lovelies~!" I cooed

I turned around and hummed a sweet sympathy as his screams echoed throughout the building. I walked down the hall passing by hallways of screaming men, all begging for mercy.

I got to the exit and opened the door as my weapons came back to me and cleaned themselves. My knife landed in my hands as the rest put themselves in my holsters.

"Good job! I'm so proud~!" I cheered psychotically

I giggled and walked out still unharmed and went to one of the cars. The door opened for me and I sat in back as it turned on.

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