⛰ ~: Ch30 :~ ⛰

29 1 3

Y/N POV (still)

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Story Time
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"Thirteen years ago..." Zero started

~:> Back at the orphanage you and delirious were first together in, you were becoming friends. You were almost inseparable.

It was only a matter of time that Dr Amily would use that friendship, that bond, to her advantage.

I, Zero the First Documented experiments, didn't want to watch the innocent bond you two had be ruined or broken.

So I kept Y/N fighting. I kept her busy fighting me or giving her a reason to fight me and be angry at me so Dr Amily wouldn't notice your bond.

I knew you would want to kill me in the future if you had ever truly escaped but I planned ahead and planned your escape.

I planned the escape for you both and the kids. Because what Dr. Amily wanted, she couldn't get. Only we could.

In that same year, I reached out to a gang that dedicated their reputation and lives to saving kids like you.

I gave them every location of every orphanage lab, having them hit random labs at the farther end to make it a huge surprise that they had attacked a lab in the southern end.

I unlocked every door, I opened every exist, I gave them everything they needed to help you get out.

I had gotten attached. <:~

"Everyone there was cruel! How did you get attached to me and delirious!" I asked in denial

Connor took out a file and sighed. He opened it up and offered it to me.

I went to him and took it quick then stepped back. I looked at it and my eyes widened after a bit of reading.

"Because you're my daughter." Zero said," I made you with Dr. Amily."

I looked at connor in disbelief but he only looked down at the floor as if he couldn't reassured me that this was fake.

"Dad- connor- you!" I said, unsure of what to even call connor anymore," you knew about this..?..the whole time..?"

"I was a better father-"

"I told you to return her to me once the labs stopped searching for her-"

"I didn't trust you once I read the reports-"

I stopped listening to their bickering as I stared at the findings of who my parents were.

"So the woman, the one who is the boss- the creator of these labs...she made me with you and you two decided to use me as an experiment..?" I asked, the shock and somewhat anger in my voice

They stopped arguing and were silent as I looked up at them.

"Dr. Amily was put in this because her family before her was the creator. But she still enjoyed the job nonetheless-"

"And thats supposed to make me feel better-"

"She was evil and twisted, but she got what she wanted and she wanted it in her child so she could test on it and see if she could get the same results-"

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