🌌 ~: Ch17 :~ 🌌

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I was on my phone now as the others watched tv. Everyone was in the living room now an then psychotic laughter caught my attention.

I looked up at the tv an saw the news channel.

"Breaking news! We are live at a scene where Whisper herself has started a massacre!" Kati said," the story about the robbery can wait, Robert!"

The camera then zoomed in on a building that started shaking and screaming echoed out of. The building started shifting as Y/N an one other woman next to her on a stone platform floated away from the building almost covered in blood.

"Ya know what, that was hella fun! So sure! You can vibe with me until you're bored." Y/Ns faint voice said

The woman with her cheered in glee as she giggled psychotically with a smirking Y/N. Kati an the camera man got closer to wherever they were landing.

The building they once were collapsing in on itself.

Kati an the camera man got to where Y/N an the woman landed an Y/N noticed them.

"Ooo~! More meat!!" The woman cheered," lets eat-"

"No no, hold on!" Y/N said," I recognize her, she doesn't die."

"She recognizes me- ahhh!!" Kati squealed then got professional," whisper, its so nice to finally see you again in person!"

Y/N chuckled with a crazy look her eyes as she smirked.

"Thats sweet, but I don't have the time right now." She said," I have two more letters to complete, lets go Rue."

"Buh bye sweet meat~!" Rue, apparently, cooed as she giggled an walked away with Y/N

A wall blocked off the reporter an camera man from following them as they were heard laughing like lunatics on the other side.

"Did you see that ryan! Robert tell me that wasn't exciting!!" Kati said as she pulled the camera to look at her," the whisper of death recognized me and seems to now have a side kick! A partner in crime- how powerful is this new duo and will we see them together again soon?"

I looked around at the others and they all seemed shocked.

"What just happened?" Marcel asked

"I think she found someone as crazy an powerful as herself." Vanoss said," I am now concerned."

Connor started leaving an a maid picked up ezma in her arms.

"I'll be right back." Connor said

That rose some suspicion as he left and the others didn't seem to like it.

"Well as long as this Rue chick doesn't hurt us, we're fine." Tyler said," right?"

"We still gotta worry about Whisper, she still doesn't trust us and her soul reason for it is cause we need ezma's blood." Vanoss said

Ezma stuck her tongue out at us as she scrunched up her nose a bit as if she wasn't happy.

"Good!" She said an then stuck her tongue out again

"Vanoss we could always look for another way." I said," ezma isn't our only option."

"What deli said!" Ezma said

"But how long would it be to get any other option?" Vanoss asked," nogla has the least time, we can't wait for another option."

"We don't have to wait, we can find one quicker!" I said," maybe bear knows some people, maybe she can help us find a faster an easier option!"

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