🏔~: Ch12 :~🏔

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"Whisper of Death! The chick the news crew obsess over whisper of death?!" Someone said

"Yep!" Delirious said

"The one an only." I replied

"I didn't realize either till I rewatched all the times she was on the news. She was always called Whisper of Death and no one knew how she looked like till ezma came into her life and we came after them." Vanoss said," kati and ryan always talk about her, and were the ones to recognize her."

"Kait and ryan always talk about me that I just took them in as fans." I said," which is funny to see civilians fan over a criminal."

~: *cough* *cough* :~

"So regina hired the most wanted, famous, and mysterious criminal- IN THE WORLD!!" Someone said," to protect ezma."

"Yep!" Vanoss said with a smile

"Vanoss I'm starting to think you're insane!" Marcel said

"I wouldn't say famous, or most wanted." I said," mysterious yes! But famous and most wanted, nah!"

"You're on the news every day, every hour, and in every story!" The pig masked man said

"Even if the story isn't about you, your name is still mentioned!" Terrorizer said," that there is fame!"

"A lot of criminals are lucky to even get one story- we're lucky to at least be mentioned once a week." Nogla said

"It's not like I wanted them to talk about me." I said," all I did was destroy a lab and kill about 200 hundred people- now that I say that aloud..."

"Yeah!" Everyone said as if it was obvious

"Wait so all the buildings that have so many bodies and blood stained everything- are those all really you?" Smitty asked

I smirked and felt teddy climb my leg.

"Every. Last. One." I said proud

They fell silent and I chuckled a bit crazily.

"But since I can do that, I would have done that to you all a long time ago." I said," I can do it now even! But look at me, so peaceful and relaxed."

Teddy started making cute little noises to get my attention and I smiled an tried to be serious an cool.

"God dammit teddy!" I teased," I was trying to be scary!"

I looked at him an picked him up from my thigh. He raised his arms up cheerfully with a smile as his eyes glimmered.

"You cute piece of shit, you're so lucky I love you and would let you ruin my moment." I teased as I fixed him over my chest.

He cuddled onto me and closed his eyes.

"Nighty nighty." He said tiredly

"Night night you fuck." I teased an giggled

"Awe, thats cute but I forgot that thing was alive and can talk!" Kryoz said

"He could always talk and move." I said," but touch him and I will kill you, I'm not kidding."

"Noted." Smitty teased

"What if he touches us or something?" Vanoss asked

"Then that means he trusts you and you are someone who wouldn't hurt me." I said

I scratched teddys little head and made sure he was comfortable an that my mask didn't bother him.

"Lucky bear..." Cartoonz mumbled

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