🎆 ~: Ch26 :~ 🎆

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~: HA :~

≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.
Several Days Later
≒≀≓.       ~       ≒≀≓.

"I won't repeat myself Death, give me the information I want and you will be set free!" Ester, the man who has me captive, growled

"If you won't repeat yourself then how will I remember what you're asking me for?" I asked sarcastic

He punched me in the face and I tasted blood. He's been punching me the last hour so it didn't even hurt at this point.

I spit out the blood and looked at him, giving him a smirk.

"Really? Thats how hard you can punch?" I scoffed," cinna can hit harder than that and she hasn't even hit me yet."

He growled and snarled wildly at me as he grew even more angry. A vain was popping out on his forehead and I snickered as I was really getting on his nerves.

"Master she has refused to speak or reveal anything for days." Rosy said bored," and you've already killed the eagle boy too! Maybe we should-"

"Shut it you worthless rotten leaf!" Ester hissed

Rosy looked hurt as she backed away and let the vines take her.

"Hey, I get it if you disrespect me but she has done nothing but support you, you ungrateful bastard!" I hissed," and if you really killed jake then you're going to regret kidnapping me!"

He only growled at me and raised his fist to punch me again.

"Master they're here!" Rosy said

Ester froze even though I was fully prepared to take that punch. He growled and backed away as he glared daggers at me.

"This isn't over!" He hissed

"It never is." I replied

He stormed off an rosy followed after him as she came down from a tree. So you might be asking, Y/N why the fuck are you angering this man and getting yourself hurt even more?

Well one, fourth wall be gone! Two, if he growls or shouts at me to answer his questions loud enough then I can figure out where I am without needing to scream myself.

And he's been shouting the whole time with how angry he was. No birds flew away, but there were some echoes.

And I've realized there was no wind, no warm rays of the sun hitting me and the sunset goes down too quick.

'Its time.'

I raised my finger and the bones and rocks came to me. I tried to use them to cut the vines but I needed something actually sharp.

I used the bones an rocks to get me the grassy knife and grip it enough to be able to cut. I motioned my head for it to come to me and it did as it cut the vines.

I grabbed the knife and cut the vines all the way down to my ankles and then tried to get up. I fell as my legs were asleep and hurt from sitting for so long.

I was only ever able to walk when I had to use the bathroom but rosy had to be with me.

Anyways, I woke up my legs and body as best as I could and then hyped myself up.

"Okay! Think about what you're living for!" I said to myself," think of ezy, rue, cinna, the bbs, connor, my servants, marly- for teddy even!"

I stretched and then practice a few knife attacks incase I became rusty by the several days I was captured.

I then checked my thigh an shoulder and they were fine. I let out a deep breath and got ready.

"Okay!" I said

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