🏜 ~: Ch32 :~ 🏜

27 0 3

~: LMAO :~

Delirious POV

'You egotistical beautiful bitch.'

I smirked at Y/N as she walked over an told Lucky an Luke to continue their fight. She came an stood by me as she looked bored an disappointed.

"You really wanted a fight, hm?" I teased

"No one wants to fight me anymore." She complained," it's boring to see them run instead of punch."

I chuckled at her as luke an lucky started to brawl.

"Wanna go to the beach floor an just relax, maybe get a drink?" I asked, cooed," we can have a drinking competition~!"

She side glanced at me an then smirked.

"I'll drink you under the table!" She said as she gave me a bright smile of evil

She ran off to the elevator and I followed her with a small chuckle. After we got on she pressed the first floor and drake came in too.

"I'll show you two to our changing rooms and shop." Drake said," remember, its free."

"Imma pay you one day." Y/N said," and imma pay you good."

"I'm not sure if thats a code word for a threat or a compliment." Drake chuckled a bit nervous

"I'm tempted to leave you wondering." Y/N said amused

"Tell him, idiot." I teased as I pulled her toward me an wrapped my arms around her

She laughed as she let me hold her and kinda snuggle her.

"Alright alright! Its a compliment!" She laughed

Drake looked surprised as Y/N leaned on me an became lazy.

"Don't worry drake, all good things will come to you and your business!" Y/N said," call me up for any favors or problems, I got your back."

The elevator stopped and I let her go as she got off an headed out. Drake an I followed but I was just happy she lets me do things no one else could do.

But would she let me go farther than these small things or is she just that comfortable with me...

'Give me some sort of sign baby...do you Love Me or just Adore our Friendship..?'



We're heading home and luke was a bit pouty.

"I didn't even notice you two left- and were at the beach floor too!" Luke complained a little

"Sorry, we should've invited you." I said

"Me and lucky were fighting the whole time and she was pretty powerful." Luke said," bets an cheering all around- I really wish you had seen it!"

I felt bad now as I told him I would make it up to him. We arrived home and by the time we got here, it was nighttime.

We got through the gates and headed to the doors but we stopped once we noticed zero an connor out front by the door.

"Right..." I mumbled a bit as I sighed after

I continued forward an heard delirious an luke follow. As we got closer I kinda refused to look either one of them in the eye as we stopped in front of them.

"I won't question where you were." Connor said," just as long as you come back unharmed each time."

I smiled a little but still didn't really look at them.

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