🏔 ~: Ch28 :~ 🏔

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AT THE MALL again but this time Security was around the corner while the girls went off to do what they wanted.

Delirious stuck with me and kinda chuckled at the girls.

"Are you really gonna just let them wonder off like that?" He asked

My eyes widened and I started following them.

"You're absolutely right- oh my god I'm already a terrible mother!" I freaked

He grabbed my wrist and laughed.

"Hey idiot, it means you trust them to be alright on their own and that they know what to do." He teased

I scoffed at him but took out my phone.

"Still, they have their phones I can just track them." I teased

He took my phone and put it in his pocket.

"Sorry I mentioned it." He teased

"Hey!" I complained

He chuckled an then pulled me toward him as he put his arms around my waist.

"Being a mom now, huh?" He teased," how do you know you're ready?"

"No clue, I just realized I could be a mom to them and I don't know...I kinda want them to have a somewhat happy an normal life." I replied," y'know somethin different from what we had..."

"Yeah..." he said gently," yeah thats a very motherly thing to say."

"Really!" I asked

"I don't know." He chuckled

I grumbled at him an shoved him away as he laughed his ass off about it.

"Well it could be! I'm not sure, vanoss's mom died two years after I decided to finally do something or to go look for you." He said

"Jerk." I teased

"You love this, and you know it!" He teased

I was a bit surprised with that response and that gave me a weird feeling but also an embarrassed one.

I cleared my throat and then turned away from him.

"Where did they go?" I asked immediately

The floor tiles picked up an gave me a path.

"Ah, there is where they went." I said

"That didn't even make sense." Delirious teased

"Yes it does." I replied an started walking

I found the girls at a shop for antiques. I ran on over an saw a lot of old but cool lookin stuff.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" Ezy said," look at this pretty box!"

I went to her as her an cinna were looking at an old music box.

"Its a music box." I said

"A music box?" Ezy asked

I nodded an chuckled. I picked up the box and found the crank for it. I cranked it and then put the box down.

A sweet tune started playing as the box opened up and a little figurine of a ballerina came out an spun around.

Cinna and ezy looked amazed by it as I chuckled. The tune slowly stopped and they cranked the handle again to play the music.

I looked over at rue an saw she was looking at mirrors with many beautiful wood linings or designs around them.

I went to her an saw she looked sad or embarrassed. I put my hands on her shoulders an rested my head on her as she changed her face a bit.

"What wrong?" I asked

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