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~: Hehe :~

We got to the gates and they opened for us. We went in and the gates closed as the security seemed higher.

We went inside and connor welcomed us.

"Master, we have a room ready for our guests and the table is set for dinner." Connor said as we continued in

"Whooooaaa!" Ezma said amazed," sooo biiiig!!"

"Show Mistress Regina and young Mistress ezma to their room, provide them with anything they would need and tend to their needs." I said," After showing them their room, bring them to the table and let them have a meal before bed."

"Yes, master." Connor said

They left ahead while I went to the grand living room and sat on the couch. I leaned back an sighed as I was tired.

"When am I not tired?" I complained to myself

I scoffed a bit an got up with my bat. I went to the kitchen an saw the table was set for everyone to have a meal.

I sat down in my seat and relaxed my body while I waited for everyone else...

Connor POV

"Mommy look at the big fluffy bed!" Ezma cheered

She put down her hood and jumped onto the bed. The young girl seemed happy while her mother smiled a bit an hummed.

"Thank you for the room and service." Miss Regina said to me as she turned her head to me

"Of course." I said," we need guests more often, I'm surprised our master accepted your calling."

"Ah yes...I was told Whisper didn't usually answer to anyones call." Miss regina said

"I read the letters." I said," I have an idea why she had considered to help you and your daughter."

Ezma was distracted by all the shiny an fancy things. I could tell she was also an experiment by her eyes and how they had an unnatural glow.

"She doesn't want the same for the youngling." I said softly

Miss regina seemed worried and I cleared my throat.

"Now then, you all must be hungry! Let me guide you to the dinning room where your meals are ready and prepared." I said

Ezma cheered an giggled as she ran off. I walked out with miss regina and headed down the stairs an guided them to the kitchen.

Master Y/N was already seated in her seat with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes an saw us as she awoke her tired body.

'Don't over work your tired and pained body, daughter...'


My servants started coming in after our guests and they all took their seats. I leaned back an closed my eyes once more to save some energy for the night.

Thats till someone jumped onto my lap and my eyes widened. I saw ezma and she looked excited and bright.

"Everything's so pretty!" She cheered

She looked directly into my eyes and her blue, literally, glowing eyes were so innocent. I scoffed a bit an raised my hand an spun it around.

A spoon picked up some food an brought it to her mouth. She opened her mouth amazed till the spoon went in her mouth an fed her.

I fixed her to sit forward an fed her as everyone else was already eating.

I spun my finger a bit an raised another spoon for myself. I ate along with everyone else and felt calm as I was in my own home.

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