
43 2 15

(I forgot to update yesterday so you guys get two updates!)


After awhile another man came in and did a whole check up on me. After that they are now taking me to a room.

"This will be your room for now." The man said

He opened the door for me and I went in. It was eerily quiet, the walls have not said a word to me, nothing has spoken to me.

I sat on the bed an looked around as the door then shut.

"They are scared of you." The walls said," this house fears them."

"Fear them." Everything else whispered then repeated

"The one in blue has looked for you for thirteen years." The floors said

"Years." Everything else whispered and repeated

"Why were you so quiet before? How come no one talked to me?" I asked

"They fear them." The walls spoke," they fear the males will hurt the house for giving information."

"But they won't know who gave it to me. No one ever knows who gave it to me." I said," you're all safe."

The door opened and someone with a pig mask looked in. He looked around and his eyes looked confused.

"He has a temper, an ego of sorts." The door said," he is soft at heart."

"Geez, way to expose a man." I teased

"Who are...who are you talking to?" The man asked

"I'm talking to the things you use everyday and hold secrets no one knows but me." I said

He looked more confused and then someone was shouting. He left and closed the door on his way out, a click on the other end of it.

"He's paranoid but he cares for you the same he does his friends." The walls spoke

"Good to know." I replied

The door then opened for me and I put teddy down on the bed. I got up and peaked out the room to see two males looking my way.


The door shoved me out an I hit the wall.

"Ow you son of a bitch!" I complained," just cause you can't feel pain doesn't mean I can't either you fuck!"

I heard laughter trying not to blurt out an I looked at the two males an saw them trying not to laugh. I grumbled a bit till the floor boards picked up and moved me toward them.

I tried to keep my balance on them as they stopped me in front of them.

"Okay you brought me to them for a reason so- can I have my shit so I can change." I asked

They looked at each other an smiled.

"Sure why not." The white haired male said cheerfully

"Go to your room, we'll sneak it over." The platinum blonde male said

I wasn't sure if I should trust them but I cautiously turned back to where the room was. I went back and the room let me back in.

"They are calm, easy going." The walls spoke," more trustworthy than the rest."

"We'll see if they get me my bags." I said

"We're here!" They cheered

I jumped a bit an turned to them.

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