🌇 ~: Ch21 :~ 🌇

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Its been hours and the sun is coming up. I was far from home and on the beach. I opened the box an let the girl slide out an onto the sand.

I knew Home was probably out of reach but I still sent it back. I crouched and looked at her correctly, taking note of her features.

I then noticed a little circular thing on her neck. I motioned my finger to bring it toward me as it got off her an came to me.

I examined it an then tossed it into the ocean.

'A chip, possibly a mind control chip.'

I got up an started heading home as she should be fine, the beach was abandoned anyway.


In the city now, I was resting on a lamppost and looked down at the people walking by.

Some people taking pictures or recording me while I rested. I then saw the news crew van coming and I didn't really feel like talking to the media.

It parked on the other side of the street an out came Kati Conundrum with her camera man.

They readied up their equipment while I got up an had the lamppost put me down. Once on the ground I started walking away an hoped they wouldn't notice.

"Whisper!" Kati called

I took a turn into an alleyway an leaned on the wall. My hands in my pocket as I heard heels clicking on the cement.

They found me as I closed my eyes an sighed a little.

"Whisper of Death, hi again! Kati conundrum here and sorry to bother you, but may we ask you a few questions?" Kati asked out of breath

"You guys are persistent." I said," you get 10 questions."

"Yes!" Kati cheered then cleared her throat to become professional," the woman you were with the other night, are you two still in contact or allied?"

"We're in contact alright." I answered," allied though, hmm?...I think we are allied unless being friends count."

"It somewhat does miss whisper!" She answered

"Well then for now, till we get an real answer, we're allied." I said

"What is your plan as a criminal?" She asked," or more specifically, are you a terrorist or just a villain?"

"I'm no terrorist, and just a villain? Really?" I asked," I'm not out here plotting revenge, I'm just here for a good time."

"What do you think about the announcement the government made about capturing you or putting you on the terrorist list?" She asked

"I think the government can calm the fuck down." I said," I ain't lookin to tear away your precious power over this country or attack any of your precious symbols, okay?"

I opened my eyes an looked at the camera.

"That includes other nations or countries! I'm just a for hire killer, looking for a good time! Not my fault that a good time involves a total blood bath." I said

"What will you do since you're still on that list?" She asked

"Well one, nothing cause that sounds like a you problem to the government." I said," second, if any real terrorist try contacting me to help attack the government, you will be denied. Try forcing me to help and oh boy will the government thank me!"

"Thats four questions, fifth is do you favor children?" She asked

"Favor children?" I asked

She nodded an smiled.

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