🌁 ~: Ch27 :~ 🌁

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~: I hate and love how funny this one photo is :~

≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.
The Next Day
≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.

I woke up and felt a sleeping angel on me. I opened my eyes an saw cinna was hugging me as she slept, her snake sleeping just behind her.

I still felt someone else with me so I looked behind me an saw delirious. I rested my head back down an let them hold me or do what they want as I closed my eyes to rest a little longer.

I felt cinna get closer as her grip tightened, so I looked down to her an saw she looked scared. I stroked her hair or snake and tried to comfort her.

"It's alright cinna." I said softly

Her body relaxed or felt light as her grip loosened. I then felt movement behind me an then a kiss on my my cheek, a smile now forming on my lips.

"Good morning beautiful!" Delirious said a bit tiredly as he probably just woke up

"Morning dirt." I replied

He got closer as he rested his head on my shoulder, or above it ready as it was kinda on my head too.

"I shouldn't have left you alone..." He said softly

"Like if being together would've changed anything, they would've probably taken you and vanoss too if you were with me." I said

"Still..." He said softly," We could've helped...maybe not get captured and make it out..."

I didn't really see any other way out of that situation, I was surrounded by the one thing I can't control.

And I don't even know if she's dead yet.

I sighed really as she was probably going to be a problem if she is alive, there's no way she would wanna join me or I don't know.

'Well thats future me's problem...'


I'm fresh out of the shower and currently am changing into some pajam-jams.

~: Or pajamas for you normal people lmao :~

It was just a F/C tank top with some shorts, but incase I put a battle ready outfit on my bed for me to change into if something happens.

I headed off as the walls informed me that cinna followed. I chuckled an turned my head to her, she stopped and tapped her index fingers together.

I smiled at her and offered her my hand.

"If ya wanna follow, hold my hand or whatever you can do it." I teased," as long as you're comfortable and feel safe."

She grabbed my hand and held it with both her hands. She hid herself behind me and I felt strange, I felt a weird sense in me that I didn't know what it was?

Either way, I continued going to the stairs and heading down. Ezy then came running from the living room and hugged my legs.

"Morning ezy." I chuckled

"Good morning mom!" Ezy cheered

That feeling grew stronger and I was a little confused? I shook it off an smiled.

"What cha doin?" I teased

"Hugging mommy and hoping she can carry me cause I feel like she's gonna get taken again." She said

I smiled at her some more an hummed.

"I'll carry you but I'm not gonna get taken cause mommy learned her lesson!" I teased

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