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The Next Day
≒≀≓.      ~      ≒≀≓.

"Wake up buttercup." I said as flicked his ear

I was up, as usual, and we were at a motel. Ezy was in our room taking a shower with breakfast ready for her while I came to wake up our hostage.

He woke up and looked around then freaked the fuck out.

"Relax, you're still tied up." I said sarcastic," how much safer can you be?"

He muffled out something that sounded upset an I smirked.

"Oh ha ha ha HA!" The duck tape repeated," he is upset, not a morning person."

"Ha ha indeed!" I replied," anyways, get up we're having breakfast and I ain't gonna carry you princess."

I moved aside and he tried to get out on his own. I waited and he finally got up and out the car. He walked forward an I closed the door.

I grabbed his shoulder tight an he gulped as I pushed him where he needed to go. We got to our room and I shoved him onto one of the beds.

The rope got off him but the bed sheets wrapped around his waist and legs an kept him tied down to the bed.

I then grabbed the duck tape around his mouth and his eyes pleaded with mercy. I sneered a bit an tore the tape off.

"FUCK!" He shouted

"I still love it!" I sighed amused

A plate of food then landed on his lap as I went to ezy to see if she was done.

"Ezy?" I called as I knocked," come an eat."

The door opened an she came out wearing a little black skirt and a white T-shirt with a monkey on it.

"Food!" She cheered

She jumped onto the other bed that didn't have our hostage and I sent a plate to her direction. I went to the door an closed it, locked it and then went to the window and looked outside.

I kept an eye out, keeping my ears open for any danger as well.

"Whisper!" Ezy called

I looked at her immediately an saw she was done eating.

"I'm done!" She said

I scoffed a bit as the plate removed itself from her an she went back to the bathroom. I looked back out and relaxed.

"Bathroom." The walls said

I put my hand back an ezy groaned. I turned around an she was carried out the bathroom by a towel.

"All I did was try to climb onto the sink!" She complained

"Exactly." I said

The towel put her down and cleaned her hands as I shook my head.

'Ezy stop haha!'

Marcel POV

'She's so quick to react and anything around her bends to her will...'

She is insanely powerful, her power is nothing we've ever seen. How is she still alive with it though? The strongest never live long.

Her eyes suddenly widened and she tried to walk forward but she crashed to her knees. An affect. Ezma got sad to see her on the ground while a trashcan came to her and she threw up.

But it was blood that came out. My eyes widened and she coughed it out while a bottle of pills came out from underneath her torn hoodie.

After coughing and breathing for a bit she took some pills and cleaned her mouth.

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