🌃 ~: Ch18 :~ 🌃

37 2 20

~: I like rue, I like whats gonna happen soon~! :3 :~

Me an rue made it to my place an just as it was turning noon too.

We went into the house an connor was at the door.

"Connor, meet rue!" I said," rue meet connor, my father."

"Hi! Nice ta eat ya- seize ya- lick ya- MEET!" Rue freaked," nice to meet you!"

I chuckled a bit as she sighed.

"God why do humans gotta look so yummy." Rue complained

Connor looked at me a bit puzzled an I smiled.

"I'll tell ya later but she's gonna stay here for awhile!" I said


"MAMA WHISPER!!" Ezy cheered

She ran over an hugged my legs.

"Welcome home mommy whisper!" Ezy greeted

"Awe, thank you ezy." I said," ezy meet rue! Rue meet ezma, the little girl I was talking about."

Ezy looked at rue an rue's eyes started going away as if to hide.

"WHOA!!!" Ezy said excited," how many eyes do you have!! I wanna see- mommy she had so many eyes, can I also have that many eyes!"

Rue looked uncomfortable an then everything made sense now.

'Oh she's insecure about her eyes!'

I picked up ezy in my arms an smiled.

"Rue was given all the pretty eyes, and it probably hurt." I said," and I already promised your mom you wouldn't be experimented on."

"Damn!" Ezy complained


"Excuse us." Connor said an took ezy

"NO WAIT!! I WAS KIDDING!!" Ezy laughed

I giggled a bit an felt my sanity coming back to me. I looked at rue an her eyes were back as she looked around.

"Let me show you your room." I said," it'll be right next to mine, that way if ya need anything I'll just be one door away."

She grinned at me an nodded as she followed me to the stairs. We headed up an I went down the hall to the right toward my room.

I knew the rooms near mine were empy except for the room three doors down which was ezma's. I opened the door closes to my room an let her look inside.

"You can come back even after you leave of boredom." I said," so do whatever you want with it."

She went in an then I heard someone open a door.

"Delirious." The walls spoke

My shoulders bounced a bit an I looked out in the hall to see delirious just come out of his room. He saw me an he froze.

I looked back at rue an turned to my room.

"Imma lend you some clothes or pajamas." I said," anything you want, just ask."

She nodded an I went to my room an to my closet. I picked out a few outfits an then went to my drawers an took out a bunch of clothes she would need.

"You need any help?" Delirious asked

I felt myself freeze for a moment then turn around an look at him. Then I remembered I had powers.

I had the clothes float an scoffed.

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