🌁~: Ch11 :~ 🌁

46 3 28

~: I couldn't help it, Hilms (or a nickname you'd prefer) comments gave me L i f e lmao!! Enjoy :~

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The Next Day
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"Hey-" Smitty Paused," uh what are we allowed to call you?"

"Whisper." I said as I looked at him

"Right!" He said then left

He came back in an smiled.

"Hey whisper, vanoss wants you to come eat with us." He said

I looked at him confused but with a smile.

"What?" I asked

"Do you not eat-"

"No why did you ask my name an leave then come back?" I asked

"Oh, I was gonna say hey, your name, and tell you vanoss wanted ya to eat." He said," but I remembered I had no idea what your name was."

I scoffed out a chuckle and got up. I went to the door an he left but someone came an sighed.

"Some people still don't trust you and one of them suggested you to be in handcuffs." He said

"Try handcuffing me, see what happens." I said an put my wrists up.

"Oh this will be good, I wanna watch!" Smitty said

The guy cuffed me confused but the moment the cuffs were on they snapped off an fell off to the floor.

"Oh wow." He said

"That is a word record." Smitty teased," one second!"

I chuckle a bit an then put my arms down.

"I'm not gonna hurt anyone." I said," unless you give me a reason."

He picked up the cuffs an shrugged.

"I don't care cause you would've struggled to eat anyways." He said," my names terrorizer by the way."

"Whisper." I replied

"Your name is Whisper or-"

"Yeah her name is Whisper." Smitty said," she's that chick the news obsess over."

"Ooohhh!" Terrorizer said," OH!"

I shook my head a bit an then they lead me out the room. Oh right, cartoonz had came in an cleaned the blood but I made him hand it to me so I cleaned it.

Anyways, we got to a larger area of the house or something and I saw a living room. Just a few feet away was the kitchen I guess.

'This feels like a trap or a problem.'

We went into the kitchen and there as a lot of people. But the one who caught my eye was delirious. He saw me an his eyes softened.


The boss grabbed his shoulder gently an delirious looked at him. He mouthed something I couldn't really understand an delirious nodded.

I didn't really know how to feel really. We've been separated for seven years but he still remembered me while I pushed my memories away.

I was brought back to reality an smitty showed me to a chair.

"I thought she was gonna be cuffed?" Someone asked

"I'm glad she isn't, she can eat without trouble." The pig masked man said

"Oh ho ho! Watch this!" Terrorizer said smug

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