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The car stopped in an alleyway and I hopped off an opened the back door.

"Are you two alright?" I asked

They nodded and I looked around an closed the door. I got in the passengers an the door closed as the car drove off.

"We're gonna find a safer place to park and then in a few hours we'll keep moving." I said

The radio turned on an the news was on. My voice and Kati's were heard an I knew it would be everywhere but man are they fast.

"Its a warning to them." I said," I'll kill on sight if they try to come after her more an more."

Suddenly the car stopped and I looked ahead to see a person. Then the car kept going and I looked back at ezy an regina.

"You okay?" I asked

They nodded as they had their seatbelts on. I didn't though.

"What the heck, tell me next time!" I complained an raised my fist over the dashboard as a threat

"It wasn't real." The car said

I looked at the rear view mirror an saw the person disappear.

"We're being followed, step on it!" I said

I put my seatbelt on incase he did it again and then the car stopped at a halt again.


"He's real." The car said

I looked ahead an saw a person probably two feet away from the car.

"When I get off, I want you to drive as far as possible." I said," I'll find you, just drive."

I opened the door an took off my seatbelt. I closed the door but ezy lowered the window a bit.

"His power creates illusions! Be careful whisper!" Ezy warned

I looked at her an gave her a slight nod.

"Don't worry kid, I know the difference between the real an fake." I said," now drive, if she gets scared give her my teddy."

The car didn't hesitate and drove off, the male jumping out of the way. I hit my bat into my hand an glared at the male but he didn't do anything.

"You ain't taking the kid, over my dead body." I warned

"Above you." The walls spoke

I jumped back an saw a different male jump down to where I was.

"Need to be quicker than that~!" I smirked

The male got up an went to the other who just stood there, he seemed frozen.

"Delirious are you insane?!" His friend whispered

They were distracted so I ran to the wall and the bricks came out of it, making stairs for me. They went back in as I ran up an then jumped over the wall an onto the roof.

"Okay ezy where did you go." I asked as I looked around an ran off

The buildings guided me but told me I was being followed by the two males. I jumped to a different building and then raised my hands as I turned around.

The bricks stacked up to make a wall but I then started choking. I crashed to my knees and threw up blood.

'Fuck! Right now, really?!'

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