🎑~: Ch15 :~ 🎑

42 2 13

Quick Cartoonz POV

'Did she just check on me? Is she checking on everyone or just me? D-Does she like me?'

I had no idea if I was gonna be able to sleep tonight, not after I heard someone walking around outside.

It was silent as hell though and I couldn't tell if she was in my room or she left. I sat up and looked around but saw nothing.

Of course there was nothing, its dark. I let out a sigh and just hoped I was alone...


I was downstairs in the kitchen and was just looking at some letters that I saw here.

"Dear Whisper of Death, it would be an honor to interview you on live television!" The letter from the news channel said

"Dear whisper, I need you and I know I have a fat chance of you ignoring this but hear me out. This will just be a in an out job, I swear." The letter for someone asking for help said

All the letters were overlapping each others voices so I just read them myself. I then heard the door open an I looked to see delirious.

"Was wondering why there was light." He said

"Yeah, just looking for something to distract me so I'm not bored all night." I replied

I looked back at the letters and tried to decide which to dispose of and which to maybe consider. I saw delirious stand next to me by the corner of my eye and pick up a letter.

"Wow so many requests..." he said

"These are only the most recent." I said," like really really recent."


He seemed shocked about the information while I just sighed.

"I'd be doing most of the work anyways so I just spare them their pride by not answering." I said," Plus I'd end up on their watch list so no thanks, I don't need targets on my back."

I finished fixing them and then left them alone.

"I'm done and bored, do you have anything in mind?" I asked

I looked at him and he seemed to have just stared at me. His shoulders then bounced a bit and he cleared his throat.

"Uh how about catch up?" He asked," tell each other what happened to the other..."

I frowned a bit as that would mean I would have to remember...but he deserved to know he use to be my biggest priority.

"Okay." I said

I grabbed his wrist and lead him out to the living room. I let go of his wrist an I sat down as this was gonna be long. He sat down a little distant but still close enough if I needed a hug.

I let him go first, but he insisted I go. We went back an forth for a bit but finally decided we would go after the other.

"Well after the attack, vanoss parents left to go after the kids who were taken...to go after you cause I begged them." He said," but after hours of waiting they came back empty and took us to their base and got us cleaned or treated."

I tried to remember back to the attack and shivered.

"After that attack, dr amily thanked the heavens for letting her keep kids she chose for special experiments." I said," she was so happy and said it was a blessing, a way to get rid of kids who didn't matter for their tests. So really we were just given more experiment time once we reached a new facility and less contact with other kids."

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