🌠 ~: Ch23 :~ 🌠

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The Next Day
≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.

"Mommy mommy mommy mommy!" Ezy cried

I woke up and quickly but tiredly sat up an looked around.

"Wha- whats wrong? Wheres the danger? Guns?" I asked tiredly

Ezy hugged me tight and I rubbed my eyes. I yawned and felt so tired.

"Hey princess, you okay?" I asked tiredly," whats wrong?"

"Grandpa said you never sleep this long or at all and I thought you died and you didn't wake up when delirious or grandpa tried to wake youuuuu!!" She cried and said quickly

I looked around an saw almost everyone in my room or at the door.

"Are you alright?" Connor asked concerned

I hugged ezy and comforted her as I hummed.

"Huh...I fell asleep and didn't have nightmares..?" I asked confused," I feel okay but I'm sure its nothing."

I kissed ezy's head an chuckled.

"Maybe my nightmares are scared of me now!" I teased

She slowly calmed down as connor made everyone leave. I carried ezy in my arms as I got up and went to the bathroom.

I set her down on the counter and she cleaned her face as I was gonna clean my shirt but there were no tears?

I didn't really take it as much cause she probably wiped her tears with her hands. I washed her face as she calmed down an I smiled at her.

"Hey remember!" I said an showed her my restart," you will know if I die whenever this disappears, but I will come back afterwards!"

I patted her head an then picked her up and put her on her feet on the ground.

"Now go play or sneak in on the chefs to see whats for breakfast." I teased

She smiled at me and nodded as she ran off. I then closed the door an locked it as I undressed to shower...


I finished showering and changing.

I was now brushing my hair an letting it dry as I armed myself just incase

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I was now brushing my hair an letting it dry as I armed myself just incase.

I then headed out and went downstairs but the walls informed me that I was being watched. I smiled an chuckled as I looked ahead an saw cinna peaking out at me by the stairs.

She ran down a bit to hide as I chuckled.

"Moring cinna." I greeted," did you sleep well?"

She didn't show herself for a few seconds and then she came up an looked at me. Her and her snake nodded as I headed to them.

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