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~: OooooOooOo :~

≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.
Two Days Later
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"Look at monkeysss!!" Ezy cheered

I chuckled as her as she raced to the monkey cage. We were at the zoo and for the past two days I've been keeping ezy distracted or happy.

Our last encounter with the BBS was about a day ago after the news crew found us. They seem to be using the media an stuff to find us.

I have tried to stay out of the medias attention or line of sight but holy shit do people really wanna meet me.

"Oh my gosh! Its whisper!" A girl said

I looked at them an saw a bunch of teenagers with their phones out.

"Omg its really her!" Another girl said

"What are you doing here?" A guy asked

"Why are you at a zoo?" A girl asked

"Children, children, children!" I said," if you're going to post this then post it in an hour or two to keep some people off my ass."

They nodded their heads and said yes while I turned around an grabbed ezy's hand.

"But whisper the MONKEYS!!" She cheered

"There are bigger monkeys called gorillas." I said," lets go-"

"REALLY!" She cheered," LETS GO!!"

She pulled me an I dropped my bat. I raised my finger an my bat came back to me as we went to the gorilla exhibit.

We arrived and she climbed onto the bar an looked over at the gorillas. I leaned on the lamp pole next to her an whistled.

I raised my hand and the bars she was on picked up from the ground an let her go down to them. She giggled as she went down an I looked down at her to make sure she was safe.

The gorillas looked up an made a bunch of noises as she went down. I brought her back up an put the bars back as she jumped off.

"Again!" She cheered

I shook my head with a smile an then heard people freak out.

"Time to go." I said

I sat her on my bat as it was sideways and started leaving with the crowd. I then heard those girls who recorded me screaming.

I looked an saw a few of the BBS hold guns to them.

"Where did they go!" One of them demanded

I put ezy down and grabbed my bat. I ran to them an smacked their guns out of their hands an then hit them away from the kids.

"I ain't gonna let you pull a gun on kids while I'm around bitches!" I hissed

The girls ran away and I then used the bars around an trapped the males. I then ran off to ezy an picked her up by her hood.

I ran off out the exit an the car came around quick. The back door opened and I put ezy in an hopped in myself.

The car drove off quick as I closed the door an checked ezy.

"You okay?" I asked

She nodded but smiled brightly.

"The big monkeys are stinky and loud." She giggled

I chuckled at her and then leaned back. She went on an on about monkeys and gorillas, telling me facts about monkeys.

'Monkeys must be her favorite.'

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