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~: ur outfit, incase ya forgot :~

Delirious POV

'What did they do to her..?'

"You are very smart for not getting ezma!" Marcel said," we can't keep going after ezma, that woman is insane and I don't want to die trying to capture her when DEATH and SATANS BABY is traveling with her!"

"That baby is my best friend!" I warned," and she wasn't insane before! She-...she was pure and sweet, the scientists made her that way!"

"I don't care what she is, if the thought of killing us crosses her mind she will do it!" He said

"Not if I have anything to do with it-"

"She obviously doesn't know who you are, and you should do the same-"

I growled at him till vanoss came in and gasped.

"Marcel, you alright? What happened- why is there blood! I thought I told you we would try a negotiation-"

"She threw up, but she is different! Her affect-"

"Is blood and she can still use her powers after she takes some pills?" Vanoss asked," yeah we've encountered it."

I still growled at marcel for what he said and vanoss noticed.

"What happened." He asked

We explained what happened and vanoss looked surprised.

"She doesn't remember you?" Vanoss asked

"Well...I did have a different look back then but she should still be able to remember me! I was the only one who knew her name, who knew about her teddy-"

"Its been years del, a lot of other people could know her name." Vanoss said," look lets just try to confront them peacefully and see if we can get something going."

"Ezma is a death sentence at the moment! Y/N whoever the fuck she is will kill us on sight!" Marcel argued

Vanoss seemed puzzled as he tried to figure something out.

"Evan we've looked for her for so long..." I said

"I know and it almost seems like fate but...you guys are dying..." Evan said

I didn't know what to do but I needed to think straight.

"So is she..." I said," but she isn't using ezma."

He hesitated and he knew all this was wrong. I just can't believe it took finding my childhood best friend to see it.

"Lets go home." Evan said softly

"And stay home." Marcel warned, looking at me

I glared at him as he headed out an I saw the others at the door.

"Delirious the crew comes first- you come first!" Evan said," I know we've searched for her for so long but...if she doesn't remember or she tries to kill us then...then lets get a little bit of blood to cure-"

"I'm not curing myself till she cures herself!" I growled," if she dies, I die alongside her!"

I stormed out while evan tripped on his words.

"Wha- wait- delirious!" Evan called worried

I snapped my fingers and set up an illusion to have them lose me. I then saw her teddy and gasped as she must've dropped it while going insane.

I picked it up and huffed.

"I'll get you back to Y/N..." I whispered

His arms raised as a little bear noise came from its mouth an he smiled...just like when we were kids. I walked off as my friends tried to get out of my illusion.

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