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~: Early update :D :~

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The Next Day
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I was in the kitchen again...BUT this time I couldn't make breakfast because I spent my night packing for me, emza an regina.

Due to us being a target for this gang we will have to keep moving around in order to keep them off our trail.

Ezma came giggling down the stairs as I was holding my bat over my shoulder, standing next to the three backpacks and one duffle bag.

"Whats this?" Regina asked

"Our things." I said," sadly we can't stay in one place or else they will catch on and pin us in one location. So we will be moving all over California to keep this gang off our tail."

"Road trip!" Ezma cheered

I was wearing the same outfit from yesterday but a cleaner version of it. I decided this will be my outfit for the rest of this mission so they can continue to recognize me if we happen to get separated.

I put on a backpack an picked up the duffle bag.

"This one is for ezma and this one if for your regina." I said," we'll be leaving in a car so lets go pack this up and be on our way."

"And if the car gets bugged or tracked?" Regina asked

"Well if it gets bugged or tracked then I still have my powers." I said," I will be our ride and they can't track or bug such a thing."

Ezma put on the backpack I packed for her an I headed off to the door.

"We of course will be staying in motels or anywhere that can provide a bed. That way you two can still have well rest and food." I said

Ezma showed up next to me as I went to the car at the gate, ready to leave. I put the duffle bag and backpack in the trunk an ezma put hers in too.

Regina came an put hers in too but looked sad.

Regina an ezma went into the back seats of the car and I had the door close.

"She knows she will die somewhere on the trip, but she trusts to leave ezma in your care and would die in peace knowing so." The backpack said

"I see." I said," well that simply can't do, and we'll make sure of that."

I closed the trunk and then turned around. I went to the house and was going to give everyone my goodbye, till connor stood in the way of the door.

"Go." He said," they all know your goodbye and don't want to waste your time."

I shook my head a bit I knew this was a mission that was out of my line of expertise. I hugged connor and hugged him tight.

"Thanks connor...for saving me and giving me a will to live..." I said," thank you for everything, dad..."

He was silent but he soon hummed and hugged me back.

"Come back safely my little whisper." He said softly," and please bring little ezma back, she is a wonderful child."

We let go of each other an he had tears in his eyes. I smiled a bit and then headed off to the car.

"If you kill yourself I will kill you in hell." Connor teased

"Good luck finding me satan!" I replied an smirked

He laughed a bit as I got to the car and the passengers opened. I got in and the door closed as I put on my seatbelt.

The car started moving and we were off, onward to this journey to keep ezma out of enemy hands. I put my feet up on the dashboard and smiled.

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