🌆 ~: Ch20 :~ 🌆

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~: Pretty Lake ,'3 :~

Rue's POV

"So you pulled me away so Whisper and that gang man can be alone and magically turn into being a mommy an daddy together?" I asked

"Uh huh!" Ezma nodded

"Playin cupid, huh?" I teased," aight, I see you! I vibe with it and I think it'll work!"

She cheered till the hairs on my back of my neck an arms raised.


I got up quick an tried to find it as my eyes went crazy, looking everywhere.

'Where did boss go!'

I picked up ezma and gathered the other males of the gang. I gave ezma to vanoss and hissed when I sensed unknown movement coming closer.

'Protect the kid, maybe the gang, but most importantly find boss!'


Delirious an me gathered kryoz an smitty an we were back to back. I stopped ignoring my powers an focused.

But I almost died because everything around me was living, I can't control trees or vines- nothing thats living.

I was surrounded by those things which was really a weakness.

"Whisper what do we do?" Kryoz asked

"On my signal, run to the gym!" I said stern," once at the gym run to the mansion and Do. Not. Look. Back!"

They nodded or agreed as I counted to three.

"One....twoo...." I counted," THREE!"

They made a run for it and I stayed behind them. The walls shouted from afar that there was only one foe here.

We got to the gym an I opened the walls up as they ran in. I rolled in after an the walls closed as I got back up.

"Okay, go to the front and get to the mansion! The security should activate once we get close and we'll be safe inside." I said," if there's bodies near the house thats fine, the security just didn't recognize them an killed them on sight."


"I control things an give them life, they know me and therefore know who I know and if they know I don't know these unknown people trying to come in, they kill." I said," now run your happy asses back to the mansion."

I ran off an they followed. I created walls with the rocks underneath the ground that me an connor buried incase for emergency.

I made a direct path back to the mansion an we could already see bodies on the ground.

We made it an they ran in as the guns came out an I turned around. The rocks dug themselves back into the ground as a woman was on top of the gym.

She jumped down and landed in such a cool way.

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