🌃 ~: Ch34 :~ 🌃

24 1 8

~: fucking karen :~

Evan POV

"Guys stop! She's gonna get here soon and she'll probably be upset!" I said

Delirious an luke were FIGHTING, like fists and powers fighting. We came back after coming from Criminals Paradise and over heard zero teasing delirious about having kids with Y/N.

This set off luke and they got into an argument which lead to them going out back an fighting.

"Quit hiding you son of a bitch!" Luke growled

"I'm not hiding you just can't see me!" Delirious hissed

"This is literally pointless." Smitty said

"Oh hey mommy." Ezma said

Delirious an luke Immediately stopped an looked toward us.

Rue started dying while cinna an ezma high fived. I chuckled at them but was glad they stopped the two from fighting at least.

"Now that we have your attention, calm down and lets try to talk this out so Y/N doesn't kill you for fighting." I said

They growled at each other as Kryoz smoke grabbed them an held them away from each other.

"Look, I get it! You both are in love with Y/N and wanna woo her and all those cutesy little things!" I said," but just cause you both want her won't mean she will choose one of you. She will love whoever she wants and you two will have to deal with it."

"Vanoss!" Delirious whined

"Don't you dare whine at me, I'm just saying it like it is in case she ends up with someone else." I said," and there are definitely other ways to settle arguments instead of fighting!"

Luke gasped an then glared at delirious.

"I challenge you to Hide and Keep!" Luke said," whoever finds her gets to keep her and the loser has to back off!"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Thats not what I meant-"

"Winner takes Y/N, Loser takes a walk!" Delirious said," we can have the others play too an they will count as extra points."

"And so she doesn't get suspicious." Luke agreed," deal."

"Deal!" Delirious replied

"Are we seriously gonna do this?" Wildcat asked

I sighed an shook my head.

"I guess we do." I replied," set the player count and block limit, I'll look for a good spot for whoever gets found."

They set up their game as I went inside an to the front. The door opened an in came Y/N and she looked like she was in thought.

"Y/N." I called

She looked at me an seemed a bit surprised.

'Are you okay?'

"We're gonna go play a quick match of Hide an Keep, seeker versus seeker." I said," wanna play?"

She closed the door an then smiled.

"Sure, why the hell not." She agreed," it'll give me something fun anyways."

She came over to me as I told her how it was gonna go down. Since she can't know about the argument happening I told her something different.

I told her we would do one round with two seekers and 11 hiders, delirious an luke going head to head. Just a friendly match in her eyes, but an argument is to be settled in theirs.

Hide And KeepWhere stories live. Discover now