⛰~: Ch14 :~⛰

47 2 15

~: Demon :~

Delirious POV

Her dad- or connor has kept an eye on us ever since Y/N ran off with ezma. Vanoss asked if he can go discuss what her an him should do about the people who ambushed us and he let him go.

But he came back down an told us she was gonna shower an that no ones allowed in her room.

"Ah yes, the doors lock an close on their own when she's going to do something that requires privacy or when it senses someone unfamiliar." Connor said," the door must've closed for both."

"I'll just talk to her about it whenever she wants to." Vanoss said

He came by me an stood with me. We were kinda just in the living room and had no idea what to do.

But I had an idea.

"Connor!" I asked," has...has she ever mentioned a friend from her past..?"

He looked shocked at the question but then frowned a bit. He sighed and nodded.

"But she's only mentioned someone when she was little, and in her sleep. She doesn't sleep very often cause her nightmares worsen her pains." Connor said," but when she does sleep, there's always a mention of a boy. Dirt, I believe, is what she called him."

"Eyeless dirt." I said," yeah..."

He looked at me and examined me for a moment.

"When did you two find out." He asked

"The first time I saw her on the news." I said," I recognized the black ring on her wrist. She didn't know who I was but she figured it out several days ago."

"She flooded out her memories of her past, she was so traumatized by the years she had there that she flooded them away." Connor said," she flooded away you along with it sadly but I'm glad she remembered."

I nodded and leaned on the back of the couch.

"Did it hurt her?" He asked," to remember."

I shook my head.

"Well she cried a bit and was gonna tell me something but someone thought she was controlling me and we didn't get to finish our conversation." I said, a bit upset but calm

He seemed suspicious and hummed.

"What was her nickname back then." He asked

"Bear." I answered

"What was her subject number." He asked

"Subject 3456." I answered

"What was your subject number." He asked

"Subject 4578." I answered

"What did she call the doctors or other kids." He asked

"Nightmare monsters." I answered

"What would she do when she was bored." He asked

"Hug her teddy and roll off her bed then roll underneath it." I answered

"Did she ever sleep?" He asked

"Never. She had her teddy sleep and teddy would give the rest he had to her so she could be energized." I answered

"How many rings did she have on her wrist?" He asked

"Four." I answered," she had three when I met her."

He hummed and then seemed relaxed.

"What day was the day she started a riot." He asked

"Everyday." I answered," it was just few or a hand full of kids each time. Whoever was willing enough to or wanted their freedom. Then one day everyone joined in the riot was when she stabbed a doctor with her power but didn't know it was her power."

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