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~: Woo :~

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Several Days Later
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Delirious POV

Ezma is completely pissed off with us. She has been screaming and begging us to let her go to whisper but we can't. I can't.

Meanwhile, Y/N has been screaming while I was locked up. I felt so weak every time she started screaming or crying.

Wildcat and Cartoonz have been making sure I didn't leave my cell but they look so horrified each time she screamed.

It was silent at the moment but I was still being tortured by my own mind of all the horrible things marcel could be doing to her.

Ezma started crying again an begging for Whisper to come back an I looked at the pained wildcat an cartoonz.

"She didn't even cry for her mom like that..." I said and they looked at me, wildcat even more guilty," shows you how caring she was to her."

We were really good friends with Regina and we knew how much ezma loved her mom, even after her dad died.

"Delirious tell us the truth- is this all a mistake? Are we the bad guys- and not city wise- are we the bad guys, family wise?" Cartoonz asked, desperate an guilty

I wasn't exactly happy with them but they were still my friends. I brought up an illusion and showed them the same one I showed evan back when we were in my room.

"That was her as a kid." I said," Same teddy bear, same hair, same eyes, same black wrist ring- almost everything is the same...The only thing different is that the doctors made her go insane and she's unstable...she isn't my sweet bestie anymore but she's still My Bestie."

She started screaming again an I flinched an closed my eyes to stop myself from imagining any kind of torture she would be in.

"I can't anymore- what the fuck are they doing to her!" Wildcat hissed

He stormed off an luke didn't stop him as I looked at them. Wildcat then came back an looked frustrated.

"I forgot we couldn't leave either." Wildcat mumbled

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Marcel has kryoz using his power to block off every exit so Whisper doesn't escape, you don't escape with ezma, or to stop ezma from hurting herself." Luke sighed

"He has smitty boosting his power too so it's a lot stronger and harder to break through." Wildcat said

"Both idiots are in charge of keeping her from getting out." Luke said

We then heard footsteps coming an marcel, lui, and ohm came in.

"Wildcat, cartoonz! Go get some rest, lui an ohm will take over for you." Marcel said

"Why has she been screaming? I thought Vanoss said we wouldn't hurt her?" Wildcat asked calmly

"Yeah, and where is vanoss?" Cartoonz asked

"Relax!" Marcel said," I'll explain, c'mon first."

Both of them left and Lui an ohm took their places. I made my illusion go away while her screaming continued.

'She had just remembered who I was and now it's probably gonna get her killed..!'

I covered my ears, I didn't want to hear her scream anymore! Then I felt like throwing up an I took off my mask as I threw up, not blood. Lui an ohm asked if I was okay as I coughed an choked.

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