🌋~: Ch13 :~🌋

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3rd POV >
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Shots were fired but stopped as Y/Ns E/C eyes glowed with its color. She was upset anyways so at least she found something to let it out on.

She threw her arm out forward as if to launch an attack, the bullets turning around and firing back as the men in black screamed.

The others who weren't in the room were trying to defend each other or keep them away from the basement.

Y/N got through the bodies and went to see the bbs boys struggling. She snapped her fingers and the weapons of the infiltrators forced themselves out of their hands.

The weapons aimed at the enemies and shot them as they screamed. Y/N walking through the madness as the bbs boys stood back.

She went to the basement and they didn't try to stop her as she might've killed them too but she wouldn't have.

The men grabbed ezma out of the cell and she screamed for help.

"WHISPER!" Emza cried

Black tears staining her innocent face. Y/N got to the basement and she growled as she ran to the men and kicked one of the males in his hip.

She punched another in the face as a knife from his holster stabbed him in his neck. She was almost at her point of going crazy on people without mercy.

The man holding ezy put her down and stepped back. Y/N went to ezma and ezma hugged her legs.

"You're here, you saved me! I thought they hurt you!" She cried," I missed you! Please don't leave me again!"

Y/N picked ezy up in her arms an let her cry into her chest. She put her hand over her face to cover it as knives from the bodies around went and massacred the two men left living around her.

Y/N turned to leave as blood splattered onto her back an a bit on her an ezy. She cleaned the blood that got on ezy as she hushed her and tried to calm her.

Y/N went upstairs and ezy was calm but was still whimpering and hiccuped.

The bbs were afraid of her power, of how easily she can control everything without hesitation or any words. Just a simple gesture of anything will do the trick and they feared it.

Once she got upstairs the males were trying to be calm and collective.

"Nogla." She said, the boys flinching," I want you to have-"

"Whisper no." Vanoss said as they came by then froze when they saw more bodies

Y/N being the only one standing in the middle of the bodies. A sleeping gas grenade was then thrown into the building and the males panicked a bit.

Y/Ns mask fixed itself on ezma while Y/N glared at the grenade. The grenade didn't go off as it lifted into the air and threw itself back out.

A pop sounding as there was coughing outside. Ezy's tears were staining onto Y/Ns half torn hoodie but no one noticed they were disappearing off her hoodie.

"Your place was easily infiltrated!" Y/N hissed," what would have happened if they took ezma! What if they had killed one of you- what if they killed her?"

"Danger." The walls spoke to her

She stomped her foot and there was screaming outside. Blood splattering the windows and covering them in blood.

It looked like it was raining blood as the door that lead inside had shown blood raining down on the ground.

"I don't care what I have to do to keep her out of danger, I will massacre this whole state if I have to!" She hissed

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