🌉 ~: Ch19 :~ 🌉

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≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.
A Few Days Later
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"That was reckless, stupendous, idiocy, imbecilic-"

"Geez didn't know I could get in trouble an be rhymed at, at the same time." I mumbled as rue giggled a bit

Connor picked out a needle harshly and I hissed.

"Ooowwwww!!!" I complained

Connor was getting after me for taking myself, rue and smitty on a mission. We had to take on a guy who had a bunch of needles in his body that he could control.

Well- lets just say it didn't go so well as me an rue had a bunch of needles stuck on our skin. Smitty was perfectly fine because he boosted the strength of his skin so the needles bounced off him.

"How were we supposed to know they had a guy like that, the letter only said to take out a guy who killed his daughter." I said

"Bodyguards be hittin different tho." Smitty teased

Connor finished up taking the needles out an rue was almost done.

"Why didn't you use your own power to stop the needles!" Connor scolded

"I tried!" I complained," but since he has had more control of them for however long he's had them, I couldn't get any control to them! Or, my powers took his needles to be living since they could bend an move so it had no control over them!"

"Then why didn't you take cover?" Connor scolded

"The. Man. Controls. Needles!!! He's gonna make them go around our cover to get us!!" Me an rue complained

At this point we were just winning the argument more than losing it.

Connor sighed as ezy then came to me an smiled.

"Hey ezy, what cha doin?" I teased

"I'm helping!" She cheered

"Helping, huh?" I asked playfully," who are you helping?"

"You and rue!" She said

She then took out a swish army knife an I immediately took it away.

"No, ezy! No!" I said carefully," we're not sure what it will do to me or rue, remember we still have side effects, it could go to those instead of the little holes."

"If I put it over the little hole it will only heal the holes." She said," I know it will!"

I gave her a smile an patted her head.

"Speaking of side effects, you haven't thrown up in days and Dr Marly is coming by today." Connor said

I looked at connor an realized I haven't thrown up at all these past four days.

"You're right..." I said curious," huh..."

"I thought you didn't have the effects?" Rue asked

"I do but they for some reason haven't been in affect." I said confused

"We'll have Dr. Marly take a look at it once he arrives." Connor said

"Alright." I said," an while you're at it, can ya tell him to check the bbs an rue. See if he can make pills for them too so they can be alright."

"Yeah!" Ezy cheered

I smiled at her an she giggled at me. I looked back at connor an he nodded an headed off on his own.

I looked a rue an saw her small eyes coming back onto her face. She had to hide them cause the needles would've stabbed them an she would've lost an eye and no one wants that.

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