The mirror of truth

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Warning: Graphic decriptions of violence. (might actually not be that bad. I dunno, I wrote all day and didn't beta. I just imagined a lot.)

Implied Gwen/Lancelot. (Undecided if it's canon lmao) 
Implied Morgana/Gwen (same here.)
Implied Arthur/Merlin

Canon Vivian x Claire (OC)

Mostly plot though :) Enjoy ^^

EDIT: Now available in Russian:

Thank you so much for the translation!!!!!! @sol27( ficbook) aka 07aker07 (insta). 



Every ten years or so a tournament is held between all the five kingdoms.
In which one (strongest of the kingdom) sorcerer is chosen as a representative of their king/queen/crown bearer.
The kings however, do not choose the sorcerer for themselves, which Arthur is thankful for, since magic is still banned in Camelot.
But it is chosen by the mirror of truth. It shows the face of the strongest sorcerer in said lands, so Arthur can reach out to them. He hopes the druids may help him here.
The one who looses the battle is most likely to get attacked by the other kingdoms, that's why Arthur even agreed to participate. (And wants to win)
When the mirror finally chooses the participants. Camelot's champion is......... well i mean, who is the strongest magic user in Camelot? Exactly!

It's Morgana.

After all, Merlin was born in Cendred's kingdom.

(original post:


"For the last time, Merlin, we cannot back out of this!", Arthur snapped. In his defense, Merlin had been prodding him with this for days.
Ever since the invitation came.

"But magic is FORBIDDEN in Camelot! You can't just attend a tournament for SORCERERS!", Merlin argued for the millionth time.

"This tournament, Merlin -", Arthur stopped in the hallway, to point his finger directly to the bridge of Merlin's nose, "determines the strength of all five kingdoms of Albion. If we don't attend, Camelot will be seen as weak. Our enemies would take that as a sign to attack as a combined force! We cannot NOT attend!"
Arthur turned back ahead, ignoring that Merlin needed a moment to continue running after him.

"And who will fight for you?", Merlin begged to differ. "Which sorcerer could you possibly choose to help you? Who would ever defend Camelot? You can't find sorcerers with a sword!"

"What nonsense, of course I could. But that's not the point. I would be disqualified, anyway.
I won't choose the participant. None of the kingdoms do. It's against the rules."

"I don't understand."

Once again, Arthur stopped. This time, he covered his own face with his hands. "This kind of event is held every ten years, surely you have heard of it!"

"Not that I can say, no.", Merlin crossed his arms.

"That's what I get for having a manservant who grew up in a village that was abandoned by his king.", Arthur muttered to himself.
Arthur turned around to him again and placed a hand on Merlin's shoulder. A gloved hand.

"Every ten years, the authorities of the five kingdoms meet in one of their castles. Every time it's a different location. This year it's Annis turn."

"So we will be going to Caerlon?"

"Yes, Merlin, don't interrupt me.", There was a pause, when Arthur took in a breath.
"It is part of the ceremony, that a magical mirror is placed between us. We all look into the mirror, and the mirror chooses the strongest magician who was born and raised in the territories we claim our own. Those are the chosen ones who will fight in a tournament that consists of three tests.
Those too, are chosen and created by the mirror.
As soon as the mirror chooses our contestants, we have two weeks, to find them.

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