More Incidents

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They returned to the dorms and acted like their Winter Break was normal and nothing really happened. They each walked toward their separate dorms not really saying much to anyone. Bakugo walked with Kirishima and caught up with Shoto.

"Oi, IcyHot what was that envelope you were staring at after Ponytail gave you your present. Your face looked like something hit you hard. At least it is me, asking you and not that fucking nerd. "

Shoto looked around and pulled Kirishima and Bakugo toward the elevator. Then he leaned against the elevator wall with one leg up texting Momo.

'Babe how are you feeling? Make sure you take it easy with your strenuous training. You are in the beginning of the pregnancy sweetie. Remember what your doctor told you, this is only the start You also have an appointment on Friday after school.'

Momo was already putting her pajamas on after she got out of the shower when she heard Shoto's ringtone.

'Yes, Shoto I do remember what the doctor told me. I am feeling fine Sho, don't start worrying and make sure you go to sleep. We can't tell too many people, just keep that in mind. Also, I have no idea how to tell my parents. I just hope we get a chance to tell them before I start showing, but they are always out of town on business. Yes, I already marked my calendar about Friday's appointment. Goodnight Sho I love you.'

He smiled as he responded back.

'I am going to worry because you and our child is my everything. You are just going to get used to it Momo sweetie. Goodnight I love you too.'

He hung up his cell and put it in his pocket. When they arrived on his floor, he looked around to make sure no one was out and about. Then he turned to them both.

"I will tell you two in my dorm. But you will both have to promise not to tell any of our classmates. We will when we are both ready. Bakugo, are you even listening to a word I just said hello?"

Bakugo looked up and scoffed.

"Like I fucking talk to any of those extras. Your fucking secret is safe with me and ShittyHair."

Kirishima sighed.

"Kat can you not call me Shitty Hair, I am your fiancé. I do have a name you know. Are you going to call me Shitty Hair even when we are married? It was fine when we were just best friends but now, we are together can you not?"

Shoto chuckled as they walked toward his dorm. Bakugo had his hands in his pockets and scoffed.

"Alright then Eiji babe, is that fucking better? I am not particularly good with names sue me."

Shoto sighed.

"No, you really aren't at all, or you just do not want to use our names like we are people. You still refer to us as extras though we all have been through a lot with you. You may not like it, but we are all your friends. "

Bakugo sighed.

"I am fucking aware of that IcyHot. It took me a few years to figure that out since we started at UA. Alright we are at your dorm, what is this big fucking secret?"

Shoto opened his dorm and entered taking his shoes off and sat on his bed waiting for them to enter behind him. Bakugo took his shoes off and sat on the couch as Kirishima closed the door and did the same sitting next to Katsuki. Shoto took a deep breath as he responded to Bakugo.

"Momo is carrying my child. She found out the day my brother tried to kill me and my father but didn't want to tell me until I was fully recovered. I am going to be a father a few months after I graduate from UA. She is at the beginning of the pregnancy. Yet she insists on taking the final exam, so most likely because of her position she will be graduating a few months before us. Which means, I need to find an apartment for us so we can move in when she graduates. I am just really on edge, with all this but trying not to show it to upset Momo."

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