Second Chance

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Hours passed and Shoto sat with his family and watched as Enji paced back and forth shaking his head. Momo was fast asleep on his lap and Natsuo threw a blanket over her. He looked at his brother.

"Sho, you are exhausted get some sleep. We will wake you up if anything happens. Please you are too young to be lacking sleep. Even heroes need to get some rest. Will you listen to me for once in your life?"

Shoto sighed as he laid down on the couch placing Momo's head on his chest carefully not to wake her up as he drifted off to sleep. Rei looked at her youngest and his fiancé and covered them both, kissing his forehead.

'Sorry I missed you growing up into such a gentleman, Lil Shoto. You endured too much pain at such a young age. Just like your elder brother Touya.'

Natsuo looked at his mother.

"Mom, it is good to have you back in our lives we missed you so much. We all waited for the day that you would return home. So glad that day finally came and the return of Big brother Touya."

Rei hugged her kids and smiled at them both.

"Yes, I know it was awfully hard being without me for so many years of your lives. I love you all so much. Living with a lie that your elder brother died in an accident. That broke me that night causing me to be put away."

Enji was pacing back and forth looking at the surgery room.

'I know I endured so much pain on my family, but please don't punish me like this and let my son get through this surgery so he can have a second chance at life like you gave me another chance. He deserves it, though he did a lot of wrong because of me. He redeemed himself saving his baby brother. That alone should count for something.'

The doctor came out.

"Mr. Todoroki, the surgery was successful. He will just be in pain for a while. When you go see him his whole body is in bandages. Do not be alarmed because he can't speak right now. We told him to not try and speak since the burn damage was a lot. Whenever you feel comfortable you can go see him. He will be in the hospital a few months so his body can fully heal. Unless you want him to rest and you can all come tomorrow to see him?"

Keigo cried tears of joy.

'Yes Touya, I knew you were strong and would pull through. So many years we hid our relationship and I broke down when I heard about your fatal accident. So glad you are getting a second chance at life, you deserve it.'

Rei looked.

"No, I want to see our son. I haven't been able to hold him in my arms for so long. I will stay overnight; you all go home and I will call you when he wakes up. Please Enji let me have this, after everything you took away from me please let me be here for our son when he opens his eyes. To let him know I still love him and never stopped."

Enji nodded as he shook Shoto carefully.

"Come on Shoto, lets get Momo home and we will all come back tomorrow."

Momo looked at Enji.

"Mr. Todoroki, sir my parents are out of town and I will be home alone. "

Enji looked at her.

"Then stay with us, Momo since you are my future daughter in law. Shoto take Momo to her house to get some clothes for a few days until her parents come home?"

Shoto yawned.

"How is Touya, is he okay? When can we see him? Oh yea, I will take Momo to her house and get some clothes. "

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