In Too Deep

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As they were about to kiss Mrs. Yaoyorozu knocked on her door. Todoroki looked at her sighing with relief as he felt his body heat rise when she was so close to him.

"Momo-Chan I think dinner is ready. I-I'm going to wash up and then I will be right down I promise."

Momo got off her bed.

"Hey mom, okay I am coming. Anyway, there is something I want to tell you both after we eat and before you two leave."

Momo made her way down the stairs and entered the dining room and sat down at the table. Her father looked at her.

"I thought Shouto was joining us? Is he feeling okay?"

~In Momo's room~

Shouto was in her bathroom washing off his face.

'What the hell has gotten into me? At her touch my body heated up. Maybe after we eat I should leave. We will be alone after they leave. I am afraid I'll do something to hurt her. Then she will hate me.'

He collected his thoughts and made his way down the long spiral staircase and sat down next to Momo at the table.

"My apologies Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu I know how you two don't like people being late to the table."

Mr. Yaoyorozu looked at him.

"No, we're not mad. We just thought you got sick because you never turn down Soba as long as we have known you being our lil girl's best friend."

He smiled.

"Yes, I really do enjoy my Soba. I am also very glad that Momo has been my best friend for so long since we were like 4. She's definitely the best friend anyone could ask for and I am very thankful to be her friend."

~The Butler enters~

"Dinner is served, enjoy everyone. I still stand by what I have said for 11 years, you two would make a cute couple."

They both looked up at the butler. Her parents also looked at the butler. Shouto just ate his Soba in silence looking at Momo who was eating hers very slowly. After everyone finished the soup, they all laughed thinking about the memories of Momo and Shouto as kids. Momo swallowed hers and looked at her parents.

"Mom and dad, Shouto and I aren't just friends, he is actually my boyfriend for almost a month. You two haven't been home so I wasn't able to tell you two."

They both looked and smiled, and her mother giggled.

"Momo, dear I already figured it out that he was your boyfriend. I happened to go in your room when you two were napping in each other's arms leaving a movie on too. I came in to check on you two when I saw Shouto holding you in his arms as you both slept soundly. It was so sweet that I didn't want to disturb you two."

Todoroki's cheeks turned red as her mother spoke. As did Momo's who spit her soup out and onto Todoroki's shirt. He used a napkin and wiped off his shirt.

"The wrong day to wear a white dress shirt, Momo-Chan are you okay?"

She looked realizing that she spit soup on his shirt.

"Oh, Shouto I am so sorry. I didn't mean too. Mom you came in my room without knocking? Well we have been very tired lately from our intense training. I guess we were both so tired that we decided to take a nap before we ate dinner. How long will you two be out of town?"

Mr. Yaoyorozu sipped his coffee.

"About a week. But your teacher Mr. Aizawa said you can only stay here over the weekend. That will be fine. Monday through Thursday, Max will watch the house and you will stay here Friday through Sunday. "

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