Former Villain Shines and News

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A few months passed as Touya was being taught the ropes of being a hero. Keigo was on patrol with him when they heard a signal, about a group of villains attacking civilians in a shopping district. Endeavor, Shoto, Deku, Bakugou, and Burnin' were the first ones on the scene. Shoto was in a battle with Spinner, when Touya arrived and stood by him assisting him. Keigo was unable to use his wings they were still damaged from the last battle with Dabi. Toga was lunging at Deku as he kept on blocking her.

"Toga, can you stop! I don't want to hurt a girl, but you are making me second guess that decision. "

She laughed maniacally still trying to aim her needles at him and he was blocking them. Bakugou came in using his explosion and knocked her back into the wall breaking all her needles.

"You damn nerd, watch your fucking surroundings!! She was not willing to surrender, I know she is a girl, but she was trying to kill you!! Come on let's go assist IcyHot and BlueHeat, shit Hayato is using the blue flames as he attacks them. Deku come on!!"

Touya dodged Hayato's attacks as he used the blue flames and grinned evilly.

"Go on keep using your damn flames you will see the error in your ways in a minute. Till then take this.

"BlueHeat Flashfire annihilation, come on IcyHot use your signature move to take this asshole out, before he regains his damn strength!"

Shoto nodded as he prepared and yelled.

"Jet Kindling!"

Hayato got slammed into a wall and was screaming when his skin was burnt.

"What the hell happened!! My flesh is burnt, how is this possible!!"

Touya grabbed the handcuffs and put them on his wrists. Then he handed him to the cops and watched as Toga disappeared. He looked at his arms and seen they weren't burned. Then he saw Deku and Dynamight.

"What took you two so long? You have absolutely no faith in us do you? Now to take down Spinner. "

Bakugou scoffed.

"Ha, Ha, smartass can tell you are a damn Todoroki Blue Heat, though Blue Flame would've been better. That was your damn decision glad you are on our side. Now to take out Lizard Boy!!"

Howitzer Impact!!! Come on Nerd finish this lizard off!!"

Deku nodded and lunged at Spinner yelling.

"With pleasure Dynamight, Delaware Smash!!"

Spinner was knocked out and thrown into a dumpster when the cops cuffed him and took him away. Touya looked at them all.

"Last but not least Tomura Shigaraki wherever he is hiding. We haven't seen anything yet; he has regained strength and has also gained multiple quirks. When we face him, we all better go all out, or he will end Hero Society! So, Mr. #1 Endeavor you better be ready when he resurfaces!!"

Keigo finished evacuating the civilians when the building collapsed causing all the heroes to flee.

"This wouldn't have taken so long if a certain person wouldn't have burned my damn wings!!"

Touya scoffed as he pinned Keigo.

"Maybe that wouldn't have happened if you didn't kill Twice! Better yet, keeping your distance knowing what I became maybe you would still have your wings Keigo! Maybe if you would've let me die, instead of coming to my damn rescue!!"

Shoto crossed his arms and scoffed.

"Can you two have your lovers' quarrel somewhere else please Touya!!"

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