A New Hero

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After school Bakugo went to his dorm feeling sick to his stomach. Denki ran after him and tapped his shoulder.

"Yo, Bakubro, so you made a mistake and cheated on your fiancé with another guy. We all make mistakes, but the matter doesn't get solved if you avoid the situation. Kiribro just woke up, aren't you going to see him? A bunch of us are going over there to see him, you going to join?"

Shoto was right behind him.

"You know Kiri will want to see you. He is your fiancé Bakugou. I highly doubt he will be upset with you; it wasn't your fault. He is one to forgive we all know this."

Denki listened to the conversation as he text Jirou. Jirou was with Momo at their work study. Momo suddenly felt sick as she was typing her report about the villain her and Jirou took down today. She held her mouth and ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. Jirou was reading the message from Denki when she realized Momo wasn't at her seat typing the report.

'Denki, YaoMomo has been acting very weird lately. Are her and Shoto in a fight or something? I ask her about their relationship, and she brushes it off. It is like she doesn't want to talk about it at all. Can you please ask Shoto, I can't get any answers from her, and I am her best friend? Her parents been asking me questions when we hang out together and I don't have any answers for them.'

Denki scratched his head as he responded.

'I can try to get some answers from Shoto, but I can't promise anything babe. See you after your work study, and I will let you know if he answers me. Love you babe Denki out.'

~In the meantime, at Hawks apartment~

Touya walked in when his phone rang, and it was Fuyumi. He sighed as he answered.

'Yumi, what is it? What, I refuse to eat dinner with that fucking asshole! I understand mom is out of the hospital, but I am a former villain. No, it is not that easy to be forgiven for all those innocent lives I took away. Maybe I am your brother, but I just can't face mom right now. Yumi can you please just listen to your older brother for once in your damn life! What do you mean you never gave me the Christmas present from the family? Christmas was months ago. I don't want to hear it no way in hell, I am not eating dinner with that abusive asshole and that is final! I still hate that man with a passion!!'

He hung up his phone and went to his and Keigo's room and laid on the bed. Ruby walked in and looked at her father.

"Dad are you two going to break up again? I heard you two in a heated argument before I left this morning. Where is dad anyway?"

Touya sighed and looked over at her.

"He is still at work, and no we aren't breaking up. My former boss is just searching for me and wants to kill me for betraying the league. Ruby go do your homework and stop worrying please. I said go do your homework young lady, after you do your homework then we talk. Move it."

He raised his voice. Then he gave her the look and she made her way to her room. He grabbed an old folder with the way he wanted his hero suit to look before he ended up being rejected by Enji. Then he sighed thinking back to when he was a bit younger before his accident.

'Look dad I have blue fire, look how strong I am. I will become a great hero and make you proud. Look how strong I am getting.' Enji looked at his son.' Touya you have to stop training look what you are doing to your skin. Stop please before you kill yourself. You can't become a hero with a quirk that does that much damage. You are a failure and are weak, stop trying it is only damaging your skin! Touya I said stop hurting yourself! Touya don't try and kill your baby brother Shoto!! Pay attention to me dad!!!'

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