"More Events"

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The next day Momo woke up and made her way toward the bath to take a shower. As she entered the shower, she closed her eyes wondering what it means. She couldn't believe that after all this time he finally showed some interest in her. All she could think of was his lips on hers from last night, and how they felt so right too. When she finished her shower, she exited In a pair of shorts and a black tank top with a towel wrapped around her hair to dry. She made her way to the lounge and made herself something to eat and sat at the table in deep thought.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see her best friend Jirou looking at her.

"So why was Todoroki on our floor? I am thankful that he stopped Denki from getting in trouble, but I still don't understand why he was there in the first place. Would you have any idea Momo?"

Momo shrugged and looked at her.

"He had something that he borrowed from me and gave it back to me. It was a book that he wanted to read after I finished, what else would it be? You and I both know he has no interest in being in a relationship, he is determined to rise to the top without using his father's power. That is all he is interested in we both know that."

Jirou looked at her suspiciously.

"If you say so, then we will just leave it at that."

Denki came up behind her and startled her as he grabbed her waist. Momo couldn't help herself and laughed.

"Well at least one of us is with the one we like. I had a feeling for the longest but really said nothing. I saw you two kiss on the train when we headed to the camp this summer for training."

Jirou's face turned red.

"Y-you were asleep when that happened. How could you have possibly seen that, and why didn't you say something to me?"

She looked up and smiled at her.

"You were happy, why would I say anything?"

Jirou looked at her.

"Well, Denki and I were going to the waterpark with the others and was wondering if you and Todoroki would like to join us? Even Bakugou is joining us. Come on Momo it's the last week we can just relax before we return to our training and get ready for the Provisional Hero License Exam. What are you going to do stay here alone while the rest of us are out? We are friends, aren't we?"

Momo thought for a second.

"Of course, we are, did you guys ask Todoroki though?"

Midoriya was already in his swim trunks.

"No, we were going to ask you to ask him? Since you two are best friends, and he seems to talk to you more than the rest of us."

Tsuyu looked at Momo's face.

"Unless you rather join us, and don't even bother to ask him to join us. I highly doubt he wants to stay here and sleep while the rest of us are out having fun."

Bakugou looked at them.

"Why don't you guys stop talking like that, the half and half bastard does talk to us. It's just you all want Yaoyorozu to ask him because of the way she has been acting damn! Just spit it out already you damn losers! I'll be outside waiting for you all."

Ochaco saw how upset Bakugou was and looked throwing her light jacket over her bathing suit.

"Bakugou is right we all are his friends. I'll be outside waiting also."

Denki grabbed Jirou's hand and looked.

"Come on you guys, let's all just go outside and let her think about it. Midoriya come on, if she decides she will join us. You can't force and put her in that position you are. Yaoyorozu, it was just an idea for us all to connect again after the way we treated you all when you went after Bakugou nothing else. Something the rest of us weren't even brave to attempt to do."

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