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A week has passed since Momo's birthday, since the first night she and Todoroki shared a bed together. She rolled over in her massive bed, opening her eyes as her arm draped over the warm body beside her. She grinned as she saw her sleeping boyfriend shirtless beside her.

He was sound asleep. He looked so peaceful with his messed-up bedhead and his barely audible snoring. Momo's eyes drifted past him and saw the clock on her wall and she suddenly realized the time. She let out a small sigh, knowing she had to wake him.

Momo gently nudged him with her hands. She lightly rocked his body until he began to move and make noises.

"Shouto you need to wake up," she warmly said as she stopped moving him. "You've got your extra classes today. You can't be late for them."

Todoroki stretched his arms out. His muscles flexed as he did, and he let out a yawn as he wrapped his arms around Momo. He nuzzled his face into her neck, smiling and shutting his tired eyes.

"I know, but that means I don't get to lay here with you anymore," he said with his hot breath against her skin. "Just five more minutes..."

Momo chuckled and rubbed her hand against his arm as he held her.

"You and I both know five minutes turns into twenty. You need to get up and get ready. We both do," she told him.

Todoroki gave a small sigh and lifted his head from her body.

"I know. What are your plans for today?" he asked before planting a small kiss on her lips.

Momo smiled as she sat up, not bothering to hide her naked body from him. Shouto admired her as she got out of bed. It was still hard for him to believe that she was with him sometimes.

Momo walked to her dresser and began to pull her clothes out.

"I'm going to be having a girls day with the others and then we're having a sleepover at my estate," she answered his earlier question.

Todoroki watched as she pulled her panties on and then a matching black bra. His face tinted a light pink and he decided to turn away or else he wouldn't get to his classes on time. He rolled over and picked his boxers up off the floor. He crawled out of bed and pulled them up, then he picked up his pants and put them on as well.

Todoroki picked his shirt up and walked past Momo and went to her bathroom. He left the door open as he picked up his comb from the sink's edge and began to comb his messy hair.

"You do know that while you're out with the girls that they're going to bother you about us," he began to say as he fixed up his hair. "Plenty of the guys already questioned me about it this last week."

Momo sighed as she pulled her shirt on.

"I'm aware. It's something I had anticipated when Ashido invited me out today, and figured they'd want to go into it more when they all insisted on a sleepover," she replied.

Todoroki leaned in the doorway of the bathroom and looked to her.

"Also, it's just gonna be you girls at the sleepover, right? Because I know there's a few guys who may want to tag along."

Momo walked towards him and he moved so she could get past. She picked up her brush and began to fix her hair up.

"Well, if some of the guys want to tag along I don't see a problem with it. I have the room at my house. If they want to come all they have to do is, ask."

Shouto finally pulled his shirt on. He shook his head and looked to Momo.

"Having a bunch of guys at your house, along with a bunch of girls, won't that be kind of troublesome? I don't want you to end up getting in trouble by your parents because of anything that might happen," he told her as he watched her put her hair up.

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