In Shock

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Weeks passed and neither Momo or Todoroki spoke about the night they were studying, and they kissed. As Momo was packing for her dorm all she could think of was how soft Todoroki's lips were on hers even if she only dreamt they kissed it felt so real. Her mother knocked on her bedroom door and smiled at her.

"We sent your furniture over to the dorm, when you get there they said that you decorate it the way you feel at home. We don't like the idea of you living on campus, but also know that your dream is to become a hero. All we ask is for you to be careful that's all. Now get some rest, first thing tomorrow you move into your dorm along with the other members of Class 1-A. "

Her mother realized she wasn't paying attention to her and entered her room.

"Are you okay, you didn't say anything to me when I was talking to you. If you don't want to go you can always stay home, we can always put you in another school."

At that she snapped out of her thoughts.

"No mom I really am looking forward to living in a dorm it will be a new experience for me. I will be careful I promise and make you and dad proud when I become a hero. I guess I had a lot on my mind and totally forgot tonight is my last night sleeping in my room at home. Again, I thank you both for agreeing to allow me to continue to go to UA. Well I am done packing and will head to bed after I take a quick shower goodnight mom."

Her mother smiled at her.

"Okay goodnight sweetie see you in the morning."

She entered her shower after her mother left her room and closed her eyes as she washed her hair and her body.

'I am so into Todoroki, that I am imagining that he actually kissed me. Wake up Momo you will not be anything else but a friend to him. You need to stop thinking you ever will. You know he has no interest in having a relationship. You must stop thinking like this and focus on becoming a ProHero. '

She finished her shower and closed her bag and then got ready for bed and drifted off to sleep soundly.

~At the Todoroki household~

Fuyumi knocked on her brother's door.

"Come in Fuyumi, I am still awake."

She entered.

"Shouto why are you still up? Isn't tomorrow the day you move into your dorm? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

He looked up from his bed.

"I am heading to bed soon Fuyumi, just a little excited about living in a dorm and not here at home, I will come home on weekends I am sure they will allow it."

She looks at him.

"Well at least you won't have to put up with dad starting with you living on campus in a dorm."

He smiled a little.

"Yes, that is very true, I won't have to look at him everyday when I leave for school and be disgusted with that bastard of a father."

Fuyumi looked.

"I understand why you have so much hatred toward him, but Shouto he still worries about you though he hardly shows it. He is still our father and loves you in his own way."

He looked up.

"Yea sure he does, he prevented me from having a normal childhood because he was constantly training me to become the #1 Hero and he caused mom to do this to my face. Then he put her away in a hospital, I will never forgive him for it. Then the only time he ever complimented me was after I used his power against Midoriya in the games."

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