ch. 16 Christmas Preps.

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A few months passed and Shouto's supplemental courses were ending. They also just took their exams and their relationship also was becoming a lot stronger than when they began dating. Momo was joining him more often to go see his mother Rei Todoroki. She absolutely loved her and smiled at her son.

"My, Shouto you have good taste in women and she truly is the perfect girl for you sweetie. I am so happy that you will have such a sweet girl to celebrate Christmas with. I have some good news also dear."

Todoroki looked up from his coffee and looked at his mother.

"Some good news mom, what is it and why is there such a big smile on your face? Where did Momo get to?"

Rei smiled at her son.

"She went to get me and her some peppermint tea dear. I won't say anything about the good news until she returns Shouto I promise."

He looked at his mother with anticipation as he sipped his peppermint mocha that Momo bought him on their way to go see his mother.

"Umm okay, that would be a lot better. It is true though, ever since I started dating Momo sides of me that I never knew existed came out. She just makes me feel whole I guess that is how you describe the way I feel when she is with me."

Rei smiled at her son.

"That is how I felt about your father when we were young teens, then he became a pro-hero and ranked #2 and you know what happened their sweetie. We got married and had your siblings and to him they were all failures. Then you were born, and I ended up here for most of your life because of what I did to your handsome face."

He looked up at his mother.

"Mom, that was ten years ago I have forgiven you and know you still love me. I promise I will not turn into dad, mark my words I will be a hero you can be proud of. I refuse to turn into him and to that I swear."

She smiled at him as Momo returned and she looked at them both.

"Is everything Okay? Here you go Mrs. Todoroki, sorry the line was pretty long that is what took me so long."

Shouto smiled at Momo.

"Yes, everything is fine Momo. My mother was waiting for you to come back to tell us some good news. I can't imagine what it is, but I can't wait to hear it."

Rei took her peppermint tea from Momo and smiled at her as she took a sip.

"Momo, dear I am so happy that my son has finally met someone to make him know what happiness feels like. He never really felt happiness as a child growing up, and it makes me proud that he finally does being with such a sweet and beautiful girl as you."

Momo smiled as she sipped her tea.

"Thank you, Mrs. Todoroki, and Shouto is the perfect boy for me to be with. I have never met somebody as sweet and caring as him and I am lucky to have him."

Shouto looked at both and smiled.

"Thank you for that Momo, and I am luckier that I have you to love me. "

He wanted to kiss her but stopped himself as he looked at his mother.

"So, mom what is this good news you wanted to tell us?"

She smiled at him.

"I am being released, because of my progress but I just can't go home and live with your father. In a few days I am out of here and moving into my apartment. My doctor will come regularly to check up on me, but I won't be cooped up in this hospital for Christmas Shouto. I can be with my children."

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