Unexplained Events

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Weeks passed and Shoto, Deku, and Bakugou were on patrol with some of Endeavor's sidekicks. Bakugou heard an explosion and ran with Shoto and Izuku to the scene. There was a group of people running from a café. Deku ran to some people running and bought them to safety. Shoto and Bakugou were in the middle of a fight when Shoto saw a light aiming for Bakugou and tried to use his ice to block it. After Shoto jumped in front of Katsuki, he tackled the villain to the ground and tied him up. Then he picked him up and handed him to the cops. Then he ran to Shoto who was knocked out on the ground and shook him.

"IcyHot you fucking idiot, get up!! Why the fuck did you jump in and save me!! Open your fucking eyes!!"

Deku ran over to where Bakugou was shaking Shoto and pulled him back.

"Kaachan you have to move, or the medical team won't get to him in time!! Kaachan snap out of it!!"

Bakugou watched as the medics put Shoto on the stretcher and put him in the ambulance.

"That fucking idiot shouldn't have jumped in to save me!! I could've blocked that fucking villains impact!!"

Deku shook Bakugou

"GroundZero snap out if it now! We have to call Endeavor and let him know. Pull yourself together dammit!!"

~At the hospital~

Shoto woke up realizing there was an oxygen mask on his mouth. Then realized his hair was longer and felt his chest to see he had breasts. He pulled off the oxygen mask and had a fit. A nurse ran into the room when Shoto tried to get out of bed.

"Calm down Todoroki, you were hit pretty hard with a gender bending quirk and was knocked unconscious from the impact. You cannot get out of bed yet. You need to rest, there are people who want to see you."

He looked up

"I can't let them see me like this, this is embarrassing."

The nurse looked at him.

"But it's your family and friends, they were very worried about you."

He sighed covering himself.

"Fine let them in. This is embarrassing, being turned into a girl. I can't show my face in school. Mineta will be all over me."

Endeavor walked in and approached the bed.

"Shoto, I am very proud of you saving your friend Bakugou. That is what it means to be a hero, jumping in to save others without even thinking. We were all scared we lost you, because Bakugou told us all you were unconscious when you hit the ground."

Shoto looked up at his father.

"Thanks, but I am a damn girl dad. The villain's quirk was a gender bend quirk. They said I am stuck like this for two weeks. Two weeks as a girl. I can't show my face like this."

Bakugou ran in the room and saw Shoto covering himself.

"What the hell IcyHot? You had me fucking scared, you hit the ground real hard after you blocked the villain from hitting me. Why are you hiding yourself?"

Shoto sighed as he looked up.

"The villain's quirk was a gender bend quirk; I am stuck as a girl for two weeks. Two weeks I have to wear a damn skirt!! Bakugou don't you dare start laughing it's not funny!! Bakugou this is no time to be making fun of me!!"

Bakugou was cracking up laughing.

"It's an improvement for you IcyHot!! Get to see you in a skirt for two weeks, this is going to be fun!!"

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