More Challenges Ahead

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Shigaraki looked as he yelled. He had his arms crossed across his chest.

"One simple task, you couldn't even keep the Todoroki boy in the damn ropes. We have to find him before he gets to someone and warns them about our plan. Toga and Hayato find that boy!!"

Hayato sighed as he left with Toga turning into Shoto. Then he went out to the forest where he saw trails of blood and faked Shoto's voice.

"Ni-San, I am here and will get you some medical help but you have to tell me where you are. "

Shoto looked down at his phone as he and the others were split into groups of two. He was teamed up with Bakugo. Midoriya was teamed up with Endeavor. Bakugo heard Shoto's voice and looked over at him.

"IcyHot that fucking Hayato is disguised as you. We both need to be on high alert. If your brother was able to fucking escape, he can't be too far. So, we might have to look in the grass for a trail of blood to get to him in time. Let's just hope we get to him before those fucking losers do."

Shoto sighed as he looked at his phone, seeing that Natsuo's location couldn't be found. He looked at him.

"Bakugo, his location is off. Which means that his phone died. Where could he have gotten to? The last time we spoke he said he was losing a lot of blood. How are we going to see blood in the darkness? I can't really see in the dark."

Bakugo heard footsteps and looked at Shoto.

"Those fucking losers are around. They are going to try and ambush us. If Hayato is disguised as you we are both fucked!!"

Shoto turned around as Hayato threw an ice shard at Bakugo. He used his fire and blocked it melting it before it stabbed Bakugo. Bakugo saw the flames and turned around, creating explosions in his palms, and knocking Hayato back into a tree. Toga jumped in and lunged at Shoto with a needle.

"Now I can get your sweet blood you cute boy."

Shoto used his ice propelling himself away from her.

"No way in hell, are you getting my blood you psychopath!! I am warning you Toga, you are messing with fire and you will get burned! Don't piss me off anymore or I will hurt you! I am not one to usually hurt a girl, but in your case, I will make an exception."

She giggled as she turned into Momo and used a sword lunging at Todoroki. He dodged it and used his ice to propel himself out of harm's way. Toga giggled and made those explosive dolls and threw them down blinding Todoroki. He covered his eyes. She used that opportunity to slash him multiple times with her created sword.

'Shit I can't see where she went! Ow, she is cutting me all over the place, I am losing consciousness. Where the hell is Bakugo!!'

From nowhere Deku appeared and used his fist as Toga lunged for Todoroki again.

"No, you don't Toga!! DETROIT SMASH!!"

He knocked her into a boulder and helped him up.

"Shoto are you okay? It's me Deku. I knocked her unconscious. Come on grab onto me. We found Natsuo. Your father took him to the hospital. That is a very deep gash on your back. The blood is seeping through your superhero outfit and in the front to. How many times did she slash you?"

Shoto's vision went blurry and he passed out. Deku caught him.

"Kaachan!! Help me he passed out!!"

Bakugo handcuffed Hayato and handed him over to the cops. Then he ran by Deku and helped him with Todoroki.

"Fuck, he is slashed all over the fucking place! IcyHot can you fucking hear us!!"

There was no response and they both looked as they carried him into the ambulance. Bakugo had a few cuts and they were covered. Endeavor ran inside the ambulance with both his sons. Deku and Bakugo looked over at Shoto's motionless body as the oxygen mask was on his face. Natsuo was also next to Shoto with an oxygen mask on his face. He opened his eyes and saw his little brother. He pulled off the mask and ran by his brother.

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