Momo's Day of Surprises

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A/N:I am giving you all a head's up this chapter will have some lemon, so if you don't like these themes please don't read. As for my other readers here is the chapter I promised for Momo's Birthday. Enjoy and please comment. Without further here it is. Thank you all for your love and support in my writing especially Ruby-Riot thank you for your guidance in helping me writr better.

Her eyes widened as she gave into him and kissed him back deeply.

"Mmm Shoto, I missed you so much but also understand you have those extra classes to take."

He smiled at her as he kissed her more deeply moving his hands inside her shirt rubbing her stomach. Her hands moved inside his shirt and she slid it off kissing him back more deeply. He smiled at her slyly.

"I know where this is going to lead us Momo. But I am very exhausted from training, my class, and fighting those villains."

She smiled at him slyly.

"You're not getting off that easily Shoto, you started it."

Shoto looked up at her.

"I am serious I am really exhausted and want to go to sleep."

Momo looked at the clock on her nightstand.

"Very well you go to sleep while I take a shower, I am all sticky and dirty from that fight earlier."

He looked at her.

"Okay, well I am going to sleep. See you in the morning."

He waited for her to go in her bathroom and shut the door, then he exited her dorm and called the others.

'Alright guys, while Momo is with her parents we will get everything we need for her party. Kirishima, Bakugou, Mina you guys will get the decorations. The party will be at Momo's parents' resort. It will be at 3 since all of us have invitations to go.'

Kirishima had Mina asleep on him as he spoke in the phone.

'Okay I'll let them know in the morning, dude the train leaves at 10:30am toward her resort. That means we all need to get up early right'

Todoroki responded.

'Yes Kirishima, I want everything perfect for Momo's party, her parents asked me to give them a hand along with my sister Fuyumi and my brother Natsuo. '

Kirishima looked at the clock and yawned.

'Dude it's like 10 minutes till midnight, don't sleep in and make sure you are careful. I saw that look in your eyes after that fight tonight. That is exactly the way I unwinded when I came back to my dorm with Mina waiting. You're 16 stop trying to be innocent cause you sure as hell ain't. Well I am going to sleep see you in a few hours Todoroki.'

Todoroki hung up his cell and looked at the clock and made his last phone call. He dialed Denki's cell and Jirou answered.

'What's up Todoroki, so what's going on for YaoMomo's birthday? Denki tried to stay awake but knocked out as soon as he got to my dorm. '

He looked at the bathroom door.

'We are throwing a party for her at her parent's resort that we were all invited to. I have Kirishima, Mina, and Bakugou getting the decorations. You, me, and Denki will be getting her cake and I want to get her a special friend for her birthday but will need help in doing so. She has some things to take care at the resort before we all arrive at 12pm. So, I was thinking after she leaves we get everything together. But we will all have to be up early because the train leaves at 10:30a. So, I'll meet you and Denki in front of the school after she leaves. Thanks, Jirou I appreciate the help.'

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