Plans Underway

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A week passed and Shoto continued his work study with Deku and Dynamight. He was impatiently waiting for the phone call from Momo to pick her and the twins up from the hospital. They had a joint mission with Hawks' Agency. Shoto was teamed up with Touya, while Dynamight was teamed up with Deku. Endeavor, Hawks, Mirko, Jeanist, and Edgeshot were at the hospital investigating a certain doctor that was known to be working with All For One since the League of Villains were formed by him and Shigaraki.

They forced their way in, and Mirko saw a canister with a Shigaraki asleep with a lot of tubes connected to him. He seemed different to her from the last time she fought him. She called Endeavor, with this information and he called Touya who was fighting Nomus with Shoto.

'What is it Old Man? We are kind of in the middle of a fight right now, can it wait!! Mirko found what!! Tell her to get out of there, if he wakes up, she will not get out alive!! That is part of the final stage of Shigaraki and All For One's great plan. He has collected multiple quirks and a war is coming that might wipe out Hero Society!! Her only hope is for her to destroy that tank and get the hell out of there!! Yes, I know weeks before they become Pro-Heroes, but she needs to move fast he is not 100% yet and if he reaches 100% there will be no hope for us or the future heroes. Just tell Mirko to destroy the holding chamber!!"

He hung up his phone and went to assist Shoto with a High end Nomu like the one their father fought and got his left side of his face burned. Shoto looked at Touya and asked after they both used Flash Fire fist and took out the last Nomu.

"What was that phone call about? Answer me Touya, what did Mirko find at the hospital?"

Touya sat down on a rock catching his breath and opened his shirt to his hero outfit as he responded.

"An invincible Shigaraki, who will be the new vessel to All For One. We are about to enter into a war that many of us will not survive. Our father being so full of himself, gave the villains to much time to prepare themselves. Right after the retirement of All Might, gave the villains an advantage over the heroes. That book Hawks gave him was the entire plan in stages. Him ignoring the many warnings from Hawks about this upcoming war has weakened the heroes defenses. The heroes should have never let their guard down when we went underground , they gave us enough time to get more allies than they have forming the Meta Liberation Front the strength of the villains surpasses the strength of the top heroes. The future of this world depends on the future heroes outcome of this war Sho. You all will be on the front lines because our hero society has less strength and so many heroes have just walked away from their duty to protect the citizens seeing how strong the villains have gotten. "

Shoto looked at his brother.

"We as the future heroes will be victorious Touya, our abilities have not been seen yet. We have gotten a lot stronger since we last fought you all. I just hope you stay on our side and help us win this. The future of your nieces and your nephews depends on the outcome of this war. A heroes duty is to do whatever is necessary to keep their promises even if it means sacrificing ourselves. I will survive this war to be there for my soon to be wife and my beautiful children unlike our mother and father weren't there for us when we needed them most. I will not fail my children or my future wife!!"

Touya smiled at him and was so proud to be back with his family minus their father who he still despised. Shoto handed him a water and smiled back still catching his breath. Then he turned toward him.

"As a little boy I tried so hard to get close to you, but he always dragged me away from all of you. When Natsuo told me you died I only remember crying in my room all by myself with no one to mourn with me. I always felt so alone, though Natsuo and Fuyumi were there dad still kept me away from them. It wasn't until my first year of UA that we finally got to know each other. It still felt empty staring at the altar with your pictures, and then I found out you didn't die and became one of my enemies. Please don't ever leave again Touya we all need our older brother. Even though you don't live with us you are still our brother."

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