Happy Birthday Shouto

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A/N Sorry it's 3 days late...Here's the chapter to celebrate our boy's birthday hope you all enjoy. WARNING Adult Themes and Language with Smut so read at your own risk!!

Momo looked at her clock as she laid in her dorm on her bed.

'Another fifteen minutes and its Shouto's birthday. What should I do? Should I wait until the morning and wish him a happy birthday or sneak into his dorm?'

She laid there watching the clock as the hands moved slowly. She was trying to think of something because this was the first year during his birthday, she was his girlfriend. She knew that it was never a good day for him in the many years that she has known him. She remembered one year when there was a knock on her bedroom door from her mother.


'Momo was laying on her bed, reading a book when her mother knocked on her door Momo sweetie there is someone here to see you. She got off of her bed and answered her door.

"Mom, who could it possibly be? All my friends are with their families and wouldn't come here to the mansion unless they are with me."

Mrs. Yaoyorozou looked at her daughter

"It's Shouto, I believe but he wont talk to anyone else but you. Would you like me to let him in?"

Momo looked at her mother

"Yes, mom send him to my room. Its his birthday today, don't know why he's here though."

She looked up at him as he entered her room pissed again and hugged him tightly.

"Todoroki its your birthday , why are you pissed and here instead of at home? Talk to me please I don't like seeing you like this on your birthday."

Shouto looked up at her.

"That asshole of a father again, Yaoyorozou yelling at me to use my flames when he knows I refuse to use them. I don't care if I also have his power, I will never use it and turn into an asshole like him. He put me down again saying I am a failure like I give a damn anyway."

Momo looked at him.

"We can celebrate your birthday together if you want? I don't really have anything to do and certainly don't want to see you upset on your birthday that is for sure. I'll take you out for coffee and if you can get permission from Fuyumi you can stay the night, we have a spare room you can sleep in."

He smiled at her

"Okay that sounds good Yaoyorozou and my sister is the one who told me to come here anyway. Let's go then."

~Flashback ends~

The clock hits twelve and Momo got out of her bed and looked out her dorm door making sure the halls were clear. She put on a pair of shorts with a tank top and carefully made her way to Shouto's dorm. She looked before she got out the elevator on the 5th floor; the floor his dorm was on. As she exited the elevator, she heard Iida's voice and swallowed hard and hid.

"Hmm I wonder if Yaoyorozou checked her floors to make sure no one is breaking the rules. "

Todoroki happened to be exiting his dorm when he heard Iida.

"Yaoyorozou has been in bed hours ago Iida-San. You Seriously have to learn how to think out loud quieter. She text me after she did her final check on the girls' floors. Maybe you should get some sleep yourself, so busy taking care that no one breaks the rules and doing a great job of it. I am the only one awake right now like usual. Just can't sleep at night for some reason though I do try to I just can't. That's why I always fall asleep in class."

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