New Beginning

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Shoto was pacing back and forth as he watched Momo laying in the hospital bed, he was a nervous wreck and at the same time he was upset. He was angry at himself for getting Momo pregnant at such a young age. On top of it, not letting her parents know that she was carrying his children after the conversation he had with her father when they were dating and after they were engaged. He sighed as he felt a familiar hand on his shoulder. He looked back to see his elder sister with her hand on his shoulder.

He explained.

"Her contractions stopped for a while allowing her to get a little bit of sleep. She needs a few more diameters before the twins come, that is why she is resting. I left the room to calm down a little bit."

Fuyumi turned to her baby brother.

"Lil Sho I know how nervous you are. I completely get it trust me. Tensei was a sack of nerves. Just look at it this way in a few hours you will see the beautiful children you and Momo created. "

He stood up facing his sister.

"Yes, I completely understand Yumi. At least mom and dad knew you were carrying his child and you were both also married. I am graduating UA and we are still young, besides my future in- laws have no idea she is pregnant. They think their daughter is still innocent. Besides we haven't even started planning for our upcoming wedding. I don't understand how we are going to explain it to her parents when they come back from their business trip. "

Fuyumi gave him a gentle look.

"Lil Sho it is not your fault, her parents are always out of town. I am so confident that you two will be great parents to your child. You and Momo have such a big heart and that child will be very lucky to grow up in a loving family unlike the four of us. Stop stressing, you are hours away from meeting your child. Now go inside and be by Momo's side she needs you more right now. She can't see you like this and then her emotions will be all over the place. Come on then go be by her side I saw her doctor and midwife enter her room. It is almost time Lil Sho, go on in there dad."

Shoto took a deep breath and entered the room and walked over by Momo stroking her hair back with his hand.

"Momo sweetie did you rest well? How are your contractions?"

She grabbed his arm and smiled at him.

"They just started up again Sho. My doctor said any moment now our twins will be in this world and in our arms. I am both excited and scared, this pregnancy had been so rough. Yet all through it, you have been there with me to get through it and we aren't husband and wife yet. I am so lucky to have been loved by such a sweet and caring man all these years we have been together. Please stay by my side I can't do this without you Sho."

He kissed her forehead and grabbed her hand.

"I am not going anywhere Momo, you are stuck with me babe. Don't talk like that, like you are saying goodbye. You will get through this and I will be right here making sure you do, now stop talking this way. You are the best thing in my life Momo, thank you for showing me what love is and making me open my heart to you."

~Back at the apartment~

Ochaco was looking at her cell phone and turned to Jirou.

"Momo is very worried about this pregnancy. She is talking like her children will not see her face. She was crying after we left the hospital. Like she doesn't think that she will survive the delivery. Kyoka she is very scared. She has me very worried. I am serious Kyoka."

Kyoka sighed and looked at her.

"Ochaco, it is normal to be scared. It is her first child. She is going through a lot. Her mom still is on her case about choosing Shoto. She thinks he is not the right man for her to marry. Besides, her parents have no idea she is carrying his child. She was going to tell them but the day they were supposed to start planning for their upcoming wedding they called her and said they had to reschedule. She called me all upset about it. Her emotions are all over the place. She will be fine Ochaco, don't worry too much about it."

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