Suspicions Arise..Pt 2

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Bakugou spotted both and grabbed them both as his eyes were more red than usual.

"Why the fuck did you two talk about that shit when Uraraka was there!! Didn't I tell you both to keep your fucking mouths shut!!"

Sero gulped as he felt Bakugou's hand on his collar.

"Bakubro I swear we had no idea she was there, we were just having a conversation in the common room over coffee! Can you please let go I can't breathe!!"

He was gasping for air as Bakugou tightened his grip on his collar. Denki got angry and pushed Bakugou off Sero.

"Bakubro seriously you need to chill dude! It's not like we did it on purpose. I warned you she would find out, she's not that stupid!! How long did you think you would be able to hide that you were with Kiribro and her at the same damn time well!!"

Bakugou went to grab Denki and he grabbed his hand.

"Don't even try it bro, I will shock you and you will be knocked out! It ain't no one else's fault your ass got caught! Now if you don't mind my woman is waiting for me in my dorm. Just face the facts bro you lost Uraraka and move on and be happy with Kiri. That's what you want anyway."

Sero grabbed his throat.

"Thanks, Kamibro, I can breathe now. He is right she would've found out sooner or later. Just move on and stop blaming everyone but yourself. You have Kiri now and don't have to sneak around anymore. "

Sero walked away and made his way to the common room and made a cup of tea for himself to calm down still holding his neck where Bakugou had his hand wrapped around it. Denki made his way to the elevator and went to Jirou's floor. As he made his way to her dorm he saw Mina enter Uraraka's dorm and swallowed hard. Jirou pulled him inside and kissed him against her dorm door.

"What took you so long? What is making you so tense Denki? You are really shaking up want to tell me why?"

Denki looked in her eyes and responded.

"Can I explain after we spend some quality time babe please. It's a very long story but I need some relief now!"

She pushed him against her door.

"It better not concern you Jamming Way!! You are a damn pervert after all, and I am not drunk either like I was at YaoMomo's that night."

She was about to stab him with her jacks and he backed away.

"I-I swear it has nothing to do with me babe! I am not a pervert now that I have you. You gotta believe me Kyouka! Please don't stab me!!"

She grabbed his collar.

"Then if it doesn't concern you tell me dammit! I know you're hiding something from me for months now and I don't like it! Now answer the damn question or I'll stab you where it will count!"

Denki swallowed hard.

"Can you just calm down please Kyouka, it's a secret I promised two of my best friends I wouldn't spill. Can you just trust me on this please, babe I swear it's not about me. You have to believe me."

She looked confused and looked in his eyes.

"Wait your best friends are Mina, Sero, Bakugou, and Kirishima. Don't tell me Mina is cheating on Kiri with Sero."

He shook his head.

"No of course not, Mina is so in love with Kirishima she would never."

She thought back to the night at YaoMomo's.

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