Closer to Graduation

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Momo sat in class staring at her engagement ring and smiled. The other girls approached her and stared at the ring. Ochaco walked in and also took her seat sighing as she saw the girls over by Momo. Toru entered the room and looked over by Ochaco and approached her.

"Hey why are you wearing gloves, are you okay?"

Ochaco looked up and smiled.

"Yes, I am fine it was just cold outside, and my hands are still cold. More into class I will take them off. "

She looked out the window more. When behind her she felt a kiss on her cheek. Izuku looked at her.

"Hey, Ochaco are you okay? Why are you wearing gloves? Are you okay? There is no reason to hide your ring sweetie. They won't kick us out of UA for being engaged. You don't see Momo scared, do you?"

Shoto entered the class and looked at the other girls.

"Can you ladies please give Momo space. We got engaged over Christmas break. You all really thought I was kidding when I turned you all down didn't you? We are together for three years, and this is why we never liked to show it. Only certain people knew."

Momo took a breath of relief and smiled at him.

"Thank you Shoto, now I see why Ochaco is wearing gloves. Most likely they will do the same to her. You believe how close we are getting to graduation? Oh no soon we have to plan our wedding."

He looked at her with a smile.

"Whoa, calm down Momo. First let us focus on graduation and then we will worry about that. Don't overwhelm yourself too much."

She took a deep breath and kissed his cheek.

"Okay Shoto, I won't, we still have a long way until we graduate UA."

He nodded as he took his seat. From afar he saw that Jirou was glaring over at Momo. He shook his head and did his classwork. Bakugo scoffed as he saw Jirou glaring at Momo, then he tapped Kaminari.

'What the fuck is with your woman giving ponytail all kinds of dirty looks all of a sudden? Is she really that pissed off at her for not telling her when she got engaged, Dunceface!'

Denki shrugged.

'She has been like that since Momo walked in class this morning. I asked her and I got no answer, so I left it alone.'

Kirishima looked up and tapped Bakugo.

"Babe stop talking Aizawa is looking dead at us. That is the information on our final exam. If we don't pass that we don't graduate as heroes. We will talk to Jirou later, not during class."

~At Hawks' apartment~

Keigo woke up and got out of bed quietly as Touya was asleep. He entered the kitchen and made coffee. Touya smelled the coffee brewing and came up behind him.

"What were you and my asshole father talking to All Might about? I heard you on the phone Keigo. You aren't supposed to be hiding secrets from your partner. "

Keigo sighed

"Something they can do for your birthday. Possibly reversing the effects of your quirk and what it did to your skin. So Touya Todoroki can really return. You won't have to cover up with long sleeves and can truly enjoy your life after everything you went through as a teenager? You won't be ashamed going out in public with me because of your skin is so burnt."

He turned him toward him.

"Even if it was possible to reverse this, we both know my quirk will burn my skin again. It doesn't take a scientist to figure that out. My mother has an ice quirk and my father has a fire quirk. When I was born, I got his quirk, but the weakness to heat like my mother. Which is why my skin is so burnt up. There is no way that they can fix that I am already in my mid 20s Keigo."

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