Failed Attempt

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The weekend went by fast and Shouto loved sleeping next to Momo holding her soft body in his arms after they had many passionate make out sessions while they stayed at her mansion. Momo loved the idea of being this close to Shouto at her mansion as their chemistry got a lot stronger. It was now Sunday morning and Momo woke up and entered her bathroom to take a shower. Todoroki was still fast asleep in her bed with a smile. While she was in her shower she heard her cell go off and ignored it afraid it would get wet if she kept it next to her shower. When she dried off, she grabbed her cell and saw two anonymous messages and her eyebrows rose.

'Who the hell would be texting me anonymous? How did they get my number? What is this, two photos?'

She sat on her toilet seat as she opened her messages and saw two pictures of Shouto kissing another girl on a bed without his shirt only in his boxers.

'This is what your so-called boyfriend does when he claims he is training. I thought I'd let you know that you are second in his book and I am his #1. Oh, I bet your eyes are about to cry, there are many more pictures I could show you, but I'll wait to show you in person. It's such a shame that he is cheating on you with a much prettier girl than you. That's because I have skills and he wants a wild girl not a goody-two shoes like you!'

Momo's eyes teared and she threw her phone in anger waking up Shouto. He heard her crying and banged on the bathroom door.

"Momo, what is wrong, why are you crying? Did I just hear you throw your cell against the door? Momo answer the door, don't make me burn it, you know I will! Open the door and talk to me."

She screamed at him.

"I am not talking to you anymore! I found out what you do when you claim you're training. Just leave me alone, I can't look at you right now I am so hurt! How could you, after we are together a month and you're the only guy that I ever let touch me!"

He burned her bathroom door and grabbed her gently.

"What are you talking about? Momo answer me, what do I do when I claim I am training? That is all I do and after I am done training I come see you."

She pushed him away from her and showed him her cell. He took it and looked at it.

"What the hell, I don't know who that girl is! Momo look at me, and stop being like this please. You are the only girl that I have ever kissed. You are my 1st girlfriend, I don't love anyone else but you."

Shouto heard his cell go off and ignored it trying to get Momo to look at him. His cell kept going off and he just kept ignoring it. He lifted her chin and made sure they made eye contact.

"I would never hurt you like that, whoever that girl is, is lying or just trying to break us up. Come on please don't stay mad at me, not today it's the day before we take the Provisional License exam. The last thing you and I need is us to be angry at each other after the weekend we had full of romance."

She felt his hand on her chin and felt him wipe her tears. She smiled at him and their lips met. He embraced her and kissed her deeply against her bathroom wall. Her hands moved down his chest and along his abs. He moaned low as he felt her hands on his chest. He grabbed her hands and smiled slyly at her.

"Let's not get to that point again, each time we do it gets hotter and my quirk isn't even activated. Let's go do something to end our weekend together alone from everyone else. Forget about those pictures. Let me see it again babe, something doesn't seem right."

She handed him her cell and he opened the pictures and his eyebrow raised.

"What the hell, that is me but who the hell is that girl and how did I end up in those pictures?"

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