Confused on the Meaning

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After that Summer scare Todoroki, and his friends were talking amongst themselves, when Midoriya noticed that Todoroki's eyes were on Yaoyorozu Momo. He tapped his friend on his shoulder.

"Hey Todoroki, are you paying attention to anything we were saying back there?"

He snapped from his frame of thought.

"Oh, sorry about that Midoriya, I was just thinking about everything that happened during camp and how Bakugo was taken and how we almost didn't get him back that's all."

Bakugo looked and approached them.

"You do know we are supposed to be in class in less than five minutes the damn bell just rang you two idiots. Half and Half, did you hear me?"

He started to get mad and then Momo and her friends walked ahead of them while Todoroki couldn't stop staring at her.

'What has gotten into me suddenly? It all started when we were children, before my mother did this to my face because of my bastard father. Then when we became classmates at UA High when she sat down next to me in class. All my feelings for her as a child returned and they just got stronger when the Sports Festival and our Final Exam. What does it all mean?'

They all took their seats and their homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa walked to his desk.

"Welcome back everyone, I know this Summer was very scary. Most of us returned safe and sound. While we lost many others, so now you all know how important teamwork is in a situation. Make sure you all practice that more often. You never know when you will face a battle and will need some help."

Todoroki's eyes widened as Aizawa looked at him.

"Are you paying attention to what I have written on the board? I want you all to copy the board exactly the way I have written it."

Momo put her head down and copied the board looking at Todoroki from the corner of her eye every time he had his head down. She noticed he couldn't concentrate and nudged him lightly moving her notes closer, so he could copy them.

He looked and smiled slightly.

"Thank you, I appreciate that a lot? "

Momo smiled back at him.

"That's what friends are for Todoroki. Now pay close attention before you get yelled at by Mr. Aizawa."

He looked up at the board and saw Aizawa watching him very closely. Then he sighed when he put his head back down and continued to copy Momo's notes. She didn't mind at all she just kept staring at him trying not to blush when he moved a lil closer to copy her writing.

'I think I might've fallen for Todoroki, since we were children I always thought he was so cute, and then after his mother was put in the hospital everything changed. I thought I would never see him again, and then when I walked in UA his seat was right next to me and all those feelings from our childhood came back flooding my mind causing me to realize I was in love with Todoroki, but I just tried not to show it. Now it is so hard for me to hide it since we have become close again like we were as children.'

Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat.

"Ms. Yaoyorozu are you done copying the board, so we can go onto the lecture or not?"

She nodded and looked at Todoroki who also nodded and answered.

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa I am done copying the board you can continue the lecture now."

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