More Trouble Brews

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A few weeks passed and Shoto was training hard getting ready for his classes to make up for him failing the Provisional License Exam. It was a hot, steamy summer morning when he was at the vast training course alone focusing on his control of his ice and fire. When he felt sweat dripping off his forehead and soaking his shirt. He looked around making sure no one was around and took off his shirt and continued his training. As he trained a small giggle was heard and he turned around.

"Momo is that you? I told you that I won't be able to spend time with you until after I take the special courses."

A blonde girl with red eyes appeared and giggled.

"No, I am not Momo, whoever she is seems like she doesn't appreciate a strong willing guy like you determined to become a hero. I saw you at the exam, it was entirely Yoarashi' fault that you failed. It's a shame though, that that Momo girl wouldn't let me introduce myself properly to you. You are much cuter than Deku also. While I am here, let me introduce myself properly. She approached him and ran her hands along his chest.

"My name is Camie and my quirk is illusion. My quirk is the way I was able to hit one target, on that cute green haired boy Deku."

He pushed her off him.

"I am sorry, Ms. Camie but I already have a girlfriend. Also, if you don't mind I need to get to my classes."

Camie smiled at him.

"I don't know how long that will last, actually because once our lips touch you will dump that Creation girl."

Bakugou came out of nowhere, as he saw the girl in front of Todoroki change her appearance to look like Momo.

"What the fuck, is he really going to kiss that bitch!! Not on my damn watch he sure as hell won't. Yo Half and Half snap the fuck out of it!! That isn't Ponytail!!"

He threw an explosion and pushed him away from her.

"Is there something wrong with your damn brain! Do you really think Ponytail would interrupt you during your fucking training to come out here and make out with you! Wake the fuck up, we have a damn class to get to!! I am not going to be late on the account of your stupidiness who can't tell when his girl is a fucking fake!!"

Camie felt the explosion and flipped out of the way. Then she landed in a tree and laughed, throwing Shouto a kiss.

"Don't worry cute Shoto, we will meet again when you least expect it and when we can be alone. Don't miss me too much!"

She disappeared leaving a puddle of gray clay in her place where she stood on the tree and Todoroki looked up seeing gray clay dripping down where Momo stood not to long ago. He shook his head and fell to the ground and punched the ground using his left fist burning the grass.

"Damn what the hell, I can't even recognize my own girlfriend and fell for that girl's tricks! Am I that damn weak!!"

Bakugou approached him moving his hand in front of his face. He didn't budge so he let off an explosion snapping him out of it and shaking him violently.

"Wait where the fuck did that damn bitch go! Wake the hell up Half and Half bastard!!"

Todoroki looked around and realized they were standing in clay.

"Wait, what the hell just happened and where did you come from hothead!"

Bakugou looked at him arms crossed.

"You should be lucky I came when I did, you almost cheated on your girl. Now let's get these fucking classes over with so we can both get our damn licenses and you better watch your fucking back! I seen those eyes before and you better be more careful. Something is really off about that bitch!"

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