Recovery and Betrayal

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A few weeks passed and Momo kept visiting Shoto at the hospital. He was regaining his strength a little more. Momo bought him soba and brushed her fingers through his bi-colored hair. He smiled gazing into her eyes. She blushed red as his mesmerizing eyes looked in her eyes. She brushed her hand along his cheek.

"You had me so scared, Shoto seeing you in that condition. I thought I lost you and was feeling so lost."

Tears started to form in her eyes. He wiped her tears even though he was still in pain from the stitches. He laid back and looked up at her.

"Momo, sweetie I won't ever leave you alone. I don't like seeing you cry like that. Shh, I will be released soon in time for our winter vacation I promise. The medication is taking affect. I am about to p-pass..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was knocked out. She ran her fingers through his hair with a slight smile. Then she kissed his forehead and rubbed her stomach. Momo exited his room quietly and drove back to the dorms. She arrived at the dorms and made her way up to her dorm and sighed as she rubbed her stomach after she laid down on her empty bed. She held Shoto's hero shirt as she drifted off to sleep taking in his scent.

~A week passed and mid-terms came~

Momo was upset as she looked at Shoto's empty desk and sighed. Bakugo looked back at her and shook his head. Kirishima and the others looked to the back as Momo had her head down upset. Aizawa looked up.

"Welcome back Todoroki now take your seat so we can begin our mid-term. If I see eyes wandering during the mid-term you will fail understood. Now when I give you your tests you will begin. All eyes to the front, I am passing out the exams. I hope each and every one of you studied as I told you to. This is your final year at UA. You all have come so far and have been through too much. I want all of you to exceed everyone's expectations. Shoto nodded and took his seat next to Momo and took out his pencil. Aizawa passed out the tests. The class began while he sat in his desk drinking his coffee. Denki struggled a little bit in the beginning, but then he calmed down a bit. Jirou smiled as she took her exam and felt noticeably confident. Bakugo was more focused than he normally would be, as he took his mid-term. Kirishima was also focused as he took his mid-term instead of being a nervous wreck.

The first one to finish his mid-term was Bakugo. He got up and put it on Aizawa's desk and exited the classroom with his head down as he looked at Shoto. Shoto looked up at Bakugo as he exited the classroom and sighed. Bakugo left the school and drove around to calm himself down a bit. He stared at his hero license and shook his head.

'Some fucking hero I am. Couldn't even protect my friend. He missed so many days of school because of me. It's a miracle he made it back in time for our mid-terms.'

Shoto was the next to finish his exam and handed it into Aizawa. He tapped Momo lightly whispering in her ear.

'Text me when you finish babe. Don't rush through your exam to spend time with me. I am still recovering sweetie. See you in a bit.'

He kissed her cheek and she blushed red. He chuckled and left the school. Her cheeks were so red and then she went back to her exam. Shoto pulled out carefully and made his way to the town square. He spotted Bakugo and went by him.

"Bakugo, stop blaming yourself damnit! It is not your fault I got injured. You can't keep on blaming yourself. None of us were aware of what she was capable of. There was nothing you could've done to prevent that from happening! Let's all be glad I came out alive. That is all that mattered."

Bakugo sighed and looked at him.

"Yea I am fucking aware, but I should've been more aware when we were teamed the fuck up IcyHot!! It isn't that fucking easy; remember I am the reason All Might retired and gave them a fucking chance to gain strength. Also, the fucking reason you were critically injured in that fucking fight."

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