Suspicions 1

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A few weeks passed after the study session at Momo's and everything seemed to have gone back to normal. The girls were in the lobby chatting when Bakugou and Todoroki entered and kissed both their girls on their cheeks.

"We will you see you both later after our classes."

Bakugou whispered in Uraraka's ear.

"Don't fucking get hurt during your work study babe. "

Uraraka blushed.

"I won't Bakugou, same goes for you don't get too hurt during your classes."

Momo walked out with them and pulled him to the side whispering.

'Todoroki, what happened that night when I had the study session I don't remember any of it. I just remembered waking up in the middle of the night and seeing scratches all over your back. Then I went to the bathroom and saw love marks all over my breasts and my neck.'

He turned to Bakugou.

"Go on ahead I'll catch up to you. Will you stop giving me that damn look! Just go on I promise I will not be late to class."

Bakugou turned flicking him off.

"Tch whatever icy hot bastard try not to get sidetracked and miss your damn class!"

Todoroki smiled at her and kissed her lips.

"We only had sex again and it was a bit rougher because we were both drunk. Don't worry Momo, Ill text you when I get back and we'll talk more about it later after we have dinner with your parents. See you later babe I love you try not to over use your quirk during your work study today okay."

She smiled as she watched him run off to catch up with Bakugou.

"Okay Shouto, I promise I won't see you later tonight. I love you."

~Back in Kirishima's dorm~

Kirishima woke up panting heavy and his chest was glistening with sweat from the night before. He looked to the side as the sun blinded him and didn't see Bakugou next to him. He looked over at his clock on his nightstand and shook his head.

'Shit it's 12:30pm, I overslept again. Damn my cell has so many unread messages from Mina. I hate sneaking behind her back like this, but I can't help it. Since the 1st night we kissed I am so hooked and there is no turning back either.'

He got off his bed and walked to the mirror looking at the marks all over his neck from the night before. He grabbed his clothes and a towel and made his way down to the showers and took a shower.

~Back in the lounge~

Mina looked at the time and her cell and sighed. Momo came back to the lounge and saw her face.

"Hey Mina, what seems to be the matter? Where is Kirishima, its 1230 in the afternoon isn't he normally up by now? Hey, is everything okay you two seem a bit distant."

She looked down.

"Yes, ever since that study session and everyone got drunk he has changed so much towards me. He hasn't text me or asked me to hangout in his dorm like he normally does. He's been going to bed early and sleeping in late especially when we don't have class. My cell doesn't go off like it used to and he leaves me on read. Did I piss him off that night when we played that drinking game YaoMomo? I didn't mean to overdue it, if I knew it would cause me to lose Kiri then I would've never drank."

She hugged Momo and cried into her shirt. Momo held her friend in her arms and comforted her.

"I don't think you lost Kirishima Mina. I would just go talk to him and let him know how you are feeling and try to spend some time with him. Maybe you are overthinking and it's really nothing for you to worry about. But not telling him how you feel might worsen the situation go on cheer up here he comes. Don't let him see you crying like this please. I am off to my work study I will see you later. Hey, Kirishima, I was just about to leave have a work study, today don't you?"

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